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Black Bear Attacks Child at Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Oct 11th - 09:31am | NC girl

I live nearby and from what I read and heard on the local news, the little boy had been eating KFC chicken and had wiped his hands on his clothing. That would indicate to me the bear thought the little boy was a food source and was not attacking a human for the sake of attacking a human.

Stanley W. Abbott, Wizard of the Blue Ridge Parkway

Oct 10th - 22:06pm | JimB

Bob - Stanley Abbott's son, Carlton, has continued in his father's footsteps, and as far as I know, still has his own firm in Williamsburg, Virginia.

Oct 10th - 14:18pm | dapster

Bob, Great article! You were correct in that I had never heard of Mr. Abbott, but have enjoyed his handiwork on many occasions.

Rock Falls Close Curry Village Lodgings in Yosemite National Park

Oct 10th - 21:51pm | Anonymous

I WAS THERE!!!!! i am a student who was there in line for breakfast when the huge rockfall happened i ran for my life it was so scary

Oct 10th - 16:10pm | Kurt Repanshek

Stephanie, They've reopened portions of Camp Curry. You can find some news at this site. I'd suggest you call the concessionaire at (801) 559-4884 to get more information.

Oct 10th - 13:51pm | Stephanie

We have reservations in Yosemite starting this Sunday. Have they reopened Camp Curry yet?

Oct 9th - 17:37pm | Random Walker

Mother Nature is devastatingly gorgeous. Would have been something to see!

Oct 9th - 12:23pm | Gretchen

Thank goodness this did not happen in July or August when Camp Curry is packed!

Upon Further Review – A Rare Photo Op

Oct 10th - 20:46pm | Bob Krumenaker

Well hello, Jim, it's been what, 23 years since we worked together at Big Thicket? My best Big Thicket wildlife siting -- alas no photo -- was a live armadillo. I'd seen so many dead ones upside down on the side of the road that I was taken by complete surprise when a live one walked out of the woods and practically into me in the Turkey Creek Unit.

Are There Really 391 Units in the National Park System? You Won’t Think So After You Read This!

Oct 10th - 12:24pm | Bob Janiskee

No cigar, I'm afraid. The four-letter code for Noatak National Park & Preserve is NOAT.

Oct 10th - 12:03pm | d-2

Dear Beenthere and Bob: My guess is that "NOAA" is the code for "Noatak National Preserve," the largest park system unit in the administrative collective called the Western Arctic National Parklands.

Oct 9th - 11:46am | Bob Janiskee

Beenthere, you really can't blame Traveler for thinking that NOAA is the four-letter code for Western Arctic National Parklands.

Oct 9th - 10:31am | beenthere

Just another slight correction - the acronym for the Western Arctic National Parklands is WEAR, not NOAA. We refer to NOAA often in AK, but it stands for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. (Or maybe you were thinking of the Northwest Ontario Archivists Association?) Great article, though. I wonder if they'll ever straighten it out?

Oct 6th - 09:27am | Lone Hiker

I think the fast food analogy is quite apropos........more concern about quantity than quality. Unfortunately, many times those staffing the units (both NPS and Colonel McBell King in the Box) are about as competent as their counterparts as well, and from employer standpoint, probably interchangable without a notable dropoff in the level of services rendered to the public.

Vietnam Veterans Memorial Vandalized

Oct 10th - 12:06pm | Anonymous

this is horrible...

Don't Forget Buffalo National River When You're Looking for Fall Foliage

Oct 9th - 21:56pm | JimB

Charlie - Thanks for the comment. I'm glad you've had a chance to enjoy the Buffalo, and that you got to see it before quite so many others "discovered" the area. You're correct - many of the local residents, especially those who owned land that would become part of the park, weren't in favor of the idea when a park was proposed.

Oct 9th - 14:02pm | Charlie

Thanks for the memories. I grew up in Mountain Home, Arkansas (about and hour and a half east of Buffalo River) and canoed and camped along the river in the early to mid 1960's. I believe this was during the discussions of making the river a National River. Many of the local residents along the river were opposed to the idea of big government taking over 'their' river.

Wyoming Congressional Delegation Pushing Interior Secretary To Move on Yellowstone Snowmobile Plan

Oct 9th - 10:41am | Frank N

"I also wonder about the longevity of snow coach use within the park. If and when snowmobiles are outlawed completely, snow coaches will find themselves squarely in the crosshairs of the same groups that oppose snowmobiles, and the battle will begin anew."

Oct 9th - 09:22am | dapster

Anon, “Huge Internal Combustion Fee”? Give me a break. Just what means of transportation do you employ on a daily basis?

Oct 9th - 01:08am | MRC

@anon: IMO, a fee would send the wrong signal. If motorized recreational vehicles are detrimental to either the resources of a park or the experience of that park by other visitors (which is of course a resource in itself), then they should not be taxed, but banned. A high fee means: It is OK to endanger the park or diminish the recreation of others for your personal fun if you can afford it.

Oct 8th - 14:39pm | Anonymous

There should be a huge internal combustion usage fee for for recreational vehicles- boats, PWC, off road vehicles. Mercifully PWC are banned from ocean waters in the SF Bay area, where I live. We get along fine without them. Get a canoe, sailboat or a kayak, or a bike, or snowshoes, or skis. Gas is dead, and killing us. If you love speed get a race car, i'm totally cool with that.

Oct 8th - 14:03pm | Betty H

Frank N, I second your motion !!!

Oct 8th - 12:54pm | dapster

I personally would not hold my breath waiting for the DOI to act. While it is encouraging that constituent’s voices are being heard via their elected representatives, I doubt that their wishes will be granted. More legal wrangling is sure to follow.

Oct 8th - 12:44pm | jsmacdonald

One issue on motorized use outside the park - the travel plan for Gallatin National Forest has been all but struck down by a judge. There is a good chance that a lot of the national forests outside of Yellowstone will be managed more as wilderness areas. So, there may be a fair amount of restriction on snowmobiles - there already are on the wilderness areas north of the park.

Oct 8th - 10:42am | Frank N

Great idea. Let's put into place yet another winter use plan that ignores the law, the courts, the EPA, the Organic Act, science and tons of public comments. Then we can spend a few million more taxpayer dollars doing yet another study, which will be ignored; and having yet another comment period, which will be ignored.

Assateague Island National Seashore Rangers Troll Internet For Big Catch

Oct 9th - 06:29am | Anonymous

Granted she was wrong. The comment regarding the ORV and that those fisherman should be banned from the beach - that's just plain ignorant. Banned from the beach???? What is this world coming to?

Oct 8th - 15:21pm | Anonymous

i bet she drove an orv. THose orv fishermen should be banned from the beach!

Valley Forge Development Gains OK

Oct 8th - 14:16pm | Marylander

It's really a shame that when the park was created that they didn't include more land. It's just way too tiny and the enormous hotels/traffic/noise/construction/homes/businesses/city life is already built up right to some of its borders. It is hard for my 4th graders to imagine the area as a battle ground when they are watching the chaos of the hotels in the background.

Oct 8th - 12:20pm | Anonymous

Mary Bomar, Director of the National Park Service, is the primary one responsible for this problem, more than the Zoning Board. She once had an option to buy the property, held for her as a favor by a friendly land conservation group. She surrendered that option which enabled the Valley Forge developer to buy this land for this disgraceful project .

It’s Good to be the President When You Visit Gettysburg National Military Park

Oct 8th - 12:02pm | Lepanto

Well, I do think the President of the US goes wherever he wants, BUT there are several more interesting things about this, AND, see at the end my plea for understanding of how this looks to the Average Park Ranger, that all, except perhaps the Secret Service insiders should be able to understand:

Oct 7th - 17:43pm | Anonymous

Oh dear, I mentioned my husband working for the Secret Service and it suddenly all becomes "satire". I am die-hard nothing political. It's nothing for you to change to a "satire" intent after the fact but you clearly were extremely jealous of a President getting the VIP treatment even in your follow-ups.

Turkey Hunters Appreciate Wildlife Habitat Preservation at Cumberland Gap National Historical Park

Oct 7th - 20:49pm | Marylander

I agree that the Pinnacle Overlook is spectacular, and have seen many, many wild turkeys in the Cumberland Gap area. I fail to see turkey hunting as a sporty hunt, though. They are fairly large targets, don't move particularly fast, are loud and easy to find... where is the challenge in that?

Appellate Court Upholds Lower Court Ruling on Development at Gateway National Recreation Area

Oct 7th - 17:31pm | d-2

Other than to make sure I acknowledge when you seem to have the better of the argument, I don't plan to say any more on this topic. -- You make a good point about needing to move forward now on the leasing plan. I agree with that, and agree the long delay is unconscionable

Oct 6th - 14:23pm | Water Witch

Dear d-2: I've been away, and just got a chance to read your reply. I can't comment on the NPS staff and administration, other than to say that from what I've seen the personnel at the Sandy Hook Unit seem to have done the best that they can with available resources, perhaps hampered by higher-ups.

Oct 4th - 12:19pm | d-2

Dear Water Witch: thanks for your deeper, complex analysis. 1. For the record, I agree, and have agreed, that this historic lease is a good idea at Ft. Hancock.

Oct 4th - 03:14am | Water Witch

More for d-2 -

There's Plenty to See Above Ground at Wind Cave National Park

Oct 7th - 16:55pm | Anonymous

Good thing there is a lot to do above ground since the National Parks pass is about worthless underground.

Park History: Biscayne National Park

Oct 7th - 12:47pm | Mitchell Orbatell

Which has better snorkeling, Key Largo or Biscayne Bay? How inexpensive each is also matters. I'm not interested in paying $$$$ to go out on a boat. Thanks!

Apostle Islands National Lakeshore Not Immune to Bear Problems

Oct 6th - 21:13pm | Bob Krumenaker

Thanks, Jim, and thanks, Rick, for the kind words -- I hope to see both of you again soon. I, too, wish a few more of my colleagues would take advantage of the forum that the Traveler offers. Bob

Oct 4th - 13:04pm | Rick Smith

I hope the readers of the Traveler will appreciate Bob's summary of the situation. It is not often that a superintendent uses the Traveler as a way to explain the NPS's side of a potentially controversial issue. Thanks, Bob, for taking the time to do this. Rick Smith

Oct 4th - 11:45am | JimB

Bob - Thanks for an excellent summary of the situation. Based on my experience with bears at other parks, I'd fully agree that you and your staff have taken a very reasonable approach.

Oct 3rd - 22:52pm | Bob Krumenaker,...

The visitor season is practically over at the Apostle Islands and therefore closing Manitou Island is relatively easy. Even in the middle of the season, however, we've found that most visitors coming by boat respect a closure sign, particularly when it explains that the closure is for their own safety.

Mount Rainier National Park Proposing to Reroute Section of Wonderland Trail

Oct 6th - 14:53pm | Anonymous

I hope they take the high road. Place the trail above the floodplain. In 5-10 years, the blasting will look "natural" too.

Park History: Dinosaur National Monument

Oct 6th - 10:13am | SaltSage236

Of all our NPS-managed national monuments, Dinosaur most deserves to be elevated to national park status. Dinosaur, as you elucidate above, is an amazing place, an oft-overlooked gem of a park full of opportunities for adventure. It even features one of the top 10 largest natural arches in the world, Outlaw Arch, discovered in 2006 in a side canyon of the Yampa River.

Lassen Volcanic National Park Gets Its First Purpose-Built Visitor Center, and It’s a Dandy

Oct 6th - 10:01am | dkcase

Very impressive. I would caution as an engineer and designer that people study closely the comments that are being made in current plumbing engineering literature regarding waterless urinals.

Oct 4th - 11:33am | JimB

Frank - Costs for actual operation won't be known until the building has been in use for a full year - anything at this point would just be a guess, and if those projections are available, I haven't seen them.

North Cascades National Park – Forty Years on the Map, Seventy Years in the Making

Oct 6th - 09:10am | Phil

Funny you mention Dharma Bums. Kerouac, a Lowell, MA native is celebrated in his home town in October with a celebration called "Lowell Celebrates Kerouac." This past weekend was the main weekend for LCK and here at the Lowell NHP, we had writer/photographer, John Suiter give a presentation on his work "Poets on the Peaks." Mr.

Oct 4th - 21:44pm | Sabattis

I believe the same bill also established the third component of the North Cascades Complex - the Lake Chelan National Recreation Area.

Fall Into Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone Kills California Woman

Oct 6th - 05:18am | Anonymous

Charlotte was a very dear old friend of mine and the entire event is horrible. I have not spoken to the family recently, but I have been to visit her grave and like her, it is beautiful. She is definately missed.

How Far Should National Park Rangers Go To Safeguard Your Life?

Oct 4th - 23:30pm | Anonymous

This just in from Lake Mead 19 year old Bullhead City man died at Lake Mead after he jumped into the water off of a boat and did not re-surface. Yes, a recovery followed, several divers risked their lives to pull the body up. If he wore a life jacket this would be a none event.

The Essential RVing Guide

The Essential RVing Guide to the National Parks

The National Parks RVing Guide, aka the Essential RVing Guide To The National Parks, is the definitive guide for RVers seeking information on campgrounds in the National Park System where they can park their rigs. It's available for free for both iPhones and Android models.

This app is packed with RVing specific details on more than 250 campgrounds in more than 70 parks.

You'll also find stories about RVing in the parks, some tips if you've just recently turned into an RVer, and some planning suggestions. A bonus that wasn't in the previous eBook or PDF versions of this guide are feeds of Traveler content: you'll find our latest stories as well as our most recent podcasts just a click away.

So whether you have an iPhone or an Android, download this app and start exploring the campgrounds in the National Park System where you can park your rig.