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Congressman Calls for Emergency Declaration to Protect Grand Canyon National Park from Mining

Jun 21st - 10:35am | Sabattis

I think this post raises an interesting issue that Park Advocates have been slow to address. In particular - would should be the role of boundaries in the National Park System? The opening paragraph of this post suggests protecting *1 Million Acres* from mining.

Jun 20th - 12:15pm | Anonymous

This is great news. Kudos to Congressman Grijalva for standing up to protect our monuments. It's nice to know that some folks in DC still view our national parks as something more than shooting galleries and oil fields.

Should Anything Be Done With Angel's Landing?

Jun 21st - 10:09am | Sabattis

That's an interesting question, Bob. Let me rephrase your question: if the National Park Service estimates that a given safety improvement reduces, on average, one fatality per year, but causes a reduction in the aesthetics of a place - should it be opposed or supported?

Jun 20th - 09:39am | Lone Hiker

It isn't the responsibility of the Park Service to ensure your safety. Sanitizing the trails is a poor alternative.

Jun 20th - 05:45am | Bob Janiskee

Sabattis, you've said that the National Park Service has the responsibility to minimize the loss of human life in any cost-effective way possible. To "cost-effective" I would add, at a minimum, "ecologically responsible" and perhaps "esthetically acceptable."

Jun 19th - 22:06pm | Sabattis

The Naitonal Park Service frequently does "visual inspections" for certain Ranger programs. So it can be done.

Jun 19th - 08:19am | susie

My husband and son are in Zion NP as I write this post. Yesterday the group of boy scouts ranging from 13-17 yrs old hiked Angels Landing. I was terrified all day knowing that they would be ascending upon this hike.

National Park Quiz 7: Islands

Jun 21st - 10:05am | Sabattis

Good catch Anonymous - that one slipped right past me!

Jun 21st - 04:21am | Bob Janiskee

Eleven out of eleven? You've got to be kidding. I don't do that well myself on these things. Thanks for the link, Bob. Great photo! Gotta say, though; if your average South Carolinian sees that many rocks on a beach he's going to demand a refund. I'd love to take credit for the quiz photo gambit, Bob, but it was actually that evil genius Kurt who came up with the photo.

Jun 20th - 22:55pm | Bob Krumenaker

Bob, You've pulled a fast one. The Cat Island in your photo is from Gulf Islands National Seashore, not Apostle Islands National Lakeshore as noted in question 5. Very clever! Here's a link to our Cat Island...

Jun 20th - 16:36pm | Bob Janiskee

It was Kurt, Kurt, Kurt that done the deed, not me. I do thank you very kindly, MRC, for extending me this opportunity to score a rare weaselspeak double today.

Jun 20th - 16:28pm | MRC

First of all a big thank you for your quizzes. They are great, even if they show a certain bias to National Seashores. But I'd like to repeat my comment from the second quiz: Please use other filenames for the pictures that accompany the quizzes, as your normal naming scheme gives away one answer each time.

Jun 20th - 15:18pm | Bob Janiskee

Being the Hauptquizmeister, I make the rules. My new rule is this: the Hauptquizmeister can go back and change the question to match the answer. I have already done this with the item in question. I trust you will note that I have achieved a level of weaselness formerly thought to be unattainable.

Jun 20th - 14:59pm | Anonymous

Bob, I guessed Ellis Island for question #6 and wanted to let you know that I'm taking full credit for it. :) I thought you were trying to trick people who knew the statue itself wasn't on Ellis Island. I picked Ellis Island because it was partially correct.

Jun 19th - 21:48pm | Sabattis

9 out of 11! I had initially put down Apostle Islands - but then changed my answer! Darn!

Lost Backpackers Reunited with Families at Denali National Park

Jun 21st - 02:59am | Fred Miller

I repeat myself when I say that I'm truly thankful that these two women were found alive and well. But I can't help but wonder why they would venture out without a GPS unit considering that they cost less than $100 and only weigh five ounces.

Jun 20th - 05:27am | Bob Janiskee

Yes, Traveler characterized Nelson and Flantz as experienced hikers with very limited Alaskan wilderness experience. And yes, Nelson took her cell phone with her. Why would she do that if she didn't entertain the notion that she might want to use it? Experienced backpackers don't haul extraneous weight around, not even on an overnight jaunt.

Jun 19th - 21:55pm | Sabattis

Previous reports have indicated that Ms. Flantz and Ms. Nelson were both experienced backpackers, and were working as concessionaires in Denali. It seems unlikely that they ever planned on using a cell phone as a safety net. Indeed, it took them many days to establish a signal.

Jun 19th - 12:22pm | Kath

This does make for a compelling example of how better cell phone coverage in the national parks can save lives.

Traveler's View: Concealed Weapons Have No Place In Our National Park System

Jun 20th - 23:07pm | Stan

I doubt serious if any of these people had a concealed carry permit and I don't know of any one that has a concealed carry permit, including myself, that engages in such stupidity. That's one big problem, everyone seams to think that any one who has a concealed carry permit is like these guys, and that's simply not true.

Jun 19th - 20:01pm | Ranger James

No worries...we WILL soon be allowed to carry LEGALLY in our national parks. As it should have always been anyway for LAW ABIDING CITIZENS. Sheesh....

Jun 19th - 16:35pm | Larry

Wow: Maybe it's time for the people in the park to read the Constitution again. Next I won't be able to say wow, that's pretty. I wouldn't want to influence the guy next to me by using my rights to speach. One of my least fun places is watching a person smoking a joint during the fire season. Does that cause more damage than a gun? Yes, in California it does.

Jun 18th - 21:49pm | Lone Hiker

Yes indeed, if I were a criminal, I'd have absolutely no qualms "doing my thing", as I'd be quite certain that whether you're armed or not, since I'd have the element of surprise over you, and be brandishing my artillery first, your weapon becomes inconsequential.

Jun 18th - 00:20am | S.I.R.

First of all, I think the Coalition of National Park Service Retirees need to stay retired. They and so many other people blow this whole thing out of porportion. Its not so you can shoot a bear if you or he crosses paths. Its not so troublesome people can tote a gun. It is not so idiots can target practice in the parks.

Backpackers Rescued at Denali National Park Didn’t Know How Lost They Really Were

Jun 20th - 15:45pm | Hobblefoot

did something like this in my youth while hiking in Pennsylvania. The difference being, in Pennsylvania, you eventually end up in someone's backyard! Glad they're safe.

Commentary: Who Runs the National Park System?

Jun 20th - 15:02pm | pjtyler1928

Hello Betty,

Jun 17th - 17:48pm | Kurt Repanshek

Sabattis, You're right that almost any recreational use "for enjoyment of the people" will have some impact. I don't think anyone questions that. So the goal should be to aim for the least impacting activity, no?

Jun 17th - 11:34am | Sabattis

I think there is a difference between a report that indicates that snowmobiles would have more impact on the environment and snow coaches and concluding that science dictates that there must be no snowmobiles in the Park. After all, an EIS on the Grand Circle Road would surely show increased air pollution, noise pollution, and stress on animals as well.

Olmsted Island, Great Falls Park

Jun 20th - 11:12am | Rangertoo

Great Falls Park is a unit of the National Park System seperate from C&O Canal.

National Park Service Open to Cutting Single-Track Bike Trails in the Parks

Jun 20th - 10:51am | Ron Tipton

Like any proposed use of the national parks, mountain bike access by trail to a park's back country, or on single tracks, should be examined via a standard public process before given the green light.

Jun 17th - 13:09pm | Sabattis

I think it is quite the hyperbole to imply that mountain-biking paths will turn the National Parks into "becoming simply another public multiple-use landscape." The "multiple uses" of Forest Service and BLM lands as the Forest Service and BLM would describe them typically begin with agriculture and extractive industries.

Park History: Director Hartzog and the Automobile

Jun 20th - 08:56am | Rangertoo

I would submit that Yellowstone is also a national park devoted to the automobile as a recreational experience. The road system was specifically designed to get cars to each of the primary park resources (the falls, Old Faithful, Norris Geyser Basin, Mammoth, etc.).

Jun 20th - 05:46am | Sabattis

Oh no - not at all! Sorry for the misleading post. The two National Parks "devoted to the automobile as a recreational experience" are of course the Blue Ridge and Natchez Trace Parkways*.

Jun 20th - 04:56am | Bob Janiskee

Are you implying that Colorado National Monument is one of only two national parks "devoted to the automobile as a recreational experience"?

Jun 19th - 21:52pm | Sabattis

Well its a little overblown to say that "the automobile as a recreational experience is obsolete." The Blue Ridge Parkways is one of two National Parks devoted to the automobile as a recreational experience, and remains one of the most-visited Units in the National Park System.

Jun 19th - 08:21am | Rangertoo

Don't forget, Stephen Mather was a mjor advocate for roads in parks and saw roads as a key to getting visitors to parks and increasing the public support for the National Park idea. Both the Sierra Club and AAA, as well as numerous regional and local governments, supported road construction such as the Going to the Sun Highway in Glacier.

Park History: Grand Teton National Park

Jun 19th - 22:09pm | Brenda Byles

Jim, After reading your comment, I did a little research on Rockefeller and was quite surprised to find out he was a moral man, a devout Christian. He never smoked or drank and was very adamant about tithing his the church.

Jun 18th - 09:05am | jsmacdonald


Jun 17th - 22:39pm | Brenda Byles

Mr. Macdonald: After reading your article about the Grand Tetons, I find you incorrigible and boorish. I wouldn't take my hat off for you, but Rockefeller, gets kudos. You sound jeolous and petty . The magnificance of the Grand Tetons could only be created by the man I call God. Whether Rockefeller wanted it as a park or not.

Bodies of Three Mexican Nationals Found in Big Bend National Park

Jun 19th - 19:51pm | Anonymous

No sympathy here, they were breaking the law. Darwin candidates.

Cape Hatteras National Seashore Settlement Won't Ban ORV Use, But Will Restrict Travel

Jun 19th - 12:20pm | Rangertoo

Please contact your local Congressional delegation and urge them in the strongest possible terms NOT to co-sponsor and support Bills H.R. 6233 and S. 3113. Park beaches are not for cars. Yeesh. Must every square inch of the earth be accessible to motor vehicles?

Jun 19th - 09:28am | Anonymous

Please contact your local Congressional delegation and urge them in the strongest possible terms to co-sponsor and support Bills H.R. 6233 and S. 3113 Dole, Burr and Jones Introduce Legislation to Allow Off-road Vehicle use on Cape Hatteras National Seashore

Proposed Settlement Filed in Cape Hatteras National Seashore ORV Case

Jun 19th - 09:32am | Scott

Please contact your local Congressional delegation and urge them in the strongest possible terms to co-sponsor and support Bills H.R 6233 and S. 3113 Dole, Burr and Jones Introduce Legislation to Allow Off-road Vehicle use on Cape Hatteras National Seashore June 11, 2008

National Park Service Issues Beach Access Report for Cape Hatteras National Seashore ORV Users

Jun 18th - 21:55pm | Cape Hatteras

Sad to hear that our great national treasures are slowly being cordoned off from American travelers. Thanks for blogging.

National Park History: Big Bend National Park

Jun 18th - 19:27pm | Leslye

Here's the skinny on javelinas from Wikipedia: (And as a year-round resident of Terlingua and BBNP area, i have to go with the "hell on earth"'s obviously not the best place to spend summer!)

Lost Backpackers Are Reported Alive and Well at Denali National Park

Jun 18th - 14:21pm | Fred Miller

Thank God !!

Air and Ground Search Under Way for Missing Backpackers in Denali National Park and Preserve

Jun 18th - 13:54pm | Anonymous

The 2 girls have been found and are OK. They got lost but they survived!

Development of Valley Forge National Historical Park Inholding Gets Green Light from Planners

Jun 17th - 13:12pm | Sabattis

As a brief note on the above, the quotation comes from the Report Language that accompanied the establishment of Valley Forge NHP. As such, it does not have the force law - which is a shame, as otherwise it could potentially make a strong case for a legal injunction against this development.

Jun 17th - 12:47pm | More on Valley ...

1. It is interesting what you find when you look at park planning documents, or the language Congress uses when directing the National Park Service. This is some language I found in for Valley Forge:

What's In Your National Park Reading Room?

Jun 17th - 07:28am | Stephen L Martin

This is great stuff, guys. Thanks so much for sharing. If I may, I'd like to recommend the Yellowstone Association website as a way to obtain these books and more, while also supporting our national treasures at the same time. The recent story concerning the financial plight of the Twain and Wharton homes should encourage us to do more, if possible.

The Essential RVing Guide

The Essential RVing Guide to the National Parks

The National Parks RVing Guide, aka the Essential RVing Guide To The National Parks, is the definitive guide for RVers seeking information on campgrounds in the National Park System where they can park their rigs. It's available for free for both iPhones and Android models.

This app is packed with RVing specific details on more than 250 campgrounds in more than 70 parks.

You'll also find stories about RVing in the parks, some tips if you've just recently turned into an RVer, and some planning suggestions. A bonus that wasn't in the previous eBook or PDF versions of this guide are feeds of Traveler content: you'll find our latest stories as well as our most recent podcasts just a click away.

So whether you have an iPhone or an Android, download this app and start exploring the campgrounds in the National Park System where you can park your rig.