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Mexican Wolf Heads North Towards Valles Caldera National Preserve

Nov 5th - 09:38am | Kathy Cheatham

What wild animal (other than Mexicam Wolves) are subject to a map of where they aren't allowed to wander? Did they do this to Bald Eagles?  California Condors? Black footed Ferret? Not a realistic rule

Sullivan’s Island Was the African-American Ellis Island

Nov 4th - 21:07pm | Mark Sullivan

I am from Starr, South Carolina. I currently reside in Huntsville, Alabama. I know there are some Sullivan's here in Big Cove. But, I am not sure if there is a connection.

NPS Wants More Women In Law Enforcement Positions

Nov 3rd - 11:32am | Glad2bretired

Many of the National Park Service's best rangers are women, and the NPS is to be commended for recognizing that its law enforcement workforce doesn't adequately reflect its customers' demographics.  I hope that this initiative is successful, but with the failure of the "No Net Loss" directive, I'm not all that optimistic.

Nov 2nd - 16:01pm | Rick B.

Wow - A Johnson. It's only social engineering if someone else does it, eh?  

Nov 2nd - 14:39pm | A. Johnson

This effort is bound to fail because women don't care about NPS initiatives--they care about making life and career decisions that are best for themselves.  This is true for ALL people.  People are what we can human--and they make their own decisions because they have free will.  Let's RESPECT that, and stop trying to fill our narrow-minded perceptions of what ought to be for them.  

Review | U.S. Rangers, The Law of the Land: The History Of Law Enforcement In The Federal Land Management Agencies

Nov 3rd - 11:05am | Glad2bretired

This book, and its previous editions, have brought to attention issues which hardly anybody else is addressing.  The history of U.S.

Nov 2nd - 07:59am | Chris White

handcuffs 1977, as a NPS Park Ranger we were not allowed to carry mace or handcuffs, our shotgun had to be locked in the trunk of our patrol car, no Sam Brown belts, and we had to purchase our own bullet proof vests.  Also, our only authorized weapon was a Smith and Wesson with a two inch barrel.  No reloads could be carried as we had no place to carry them

Traveler's View | When Did The National Park Service Lose Its Voice?

Nov 3rd - 10:53am | Kurt Repanshek

Many thanks! If everyone who visited the Traveler in October contributed just $10, we'd be set for a couple years. That's all it takes.

Nov 1st - 13:11pm | A. Johnson

I will never look at Yellowstone bison in the same way...and  that's not a good thing.   gee, thanks.

Nov 1st - 09:24am | Stephen H Kibbey

It's just not the great National Parks and wildlife that are suffering but the encroachment of development near the boundries of our national battlefileds, historic sites and monuments as well. Recently visited the Chancelorville battlefield and drove the Jackson Trail, which is the route of his famous flank attack.

Nov 1st - 04:05am | judo at 2007

This just shows why NP traveler is needed. How can we convince you not to shut your doors?

Oct 31st - 16:51pm | A. Johnson

Your outdated cisgendered attitudes about male bison is disappointing.

Oct 30th - 22:39pm | Judy Hoy

The National Park Service in Yellowstone National Park has been extremely good at covering up the birth defects on the animals in the park. The male reproductive malformations on the wild grazing animals are most evident on large male bison. Many have a short bump in the groin area where the scrotum should be, indicating they were born with a serious birth defect called ectopic testicles.

Oct 30th - 14:50pm | CNPS

Lot of words and ideas here without a real focus yeilds more confusion, discussions into oblivion and no progress.

Oct 30th - 13:03pm | Jan Roberson

I have been involved with helping try to save the Sea Turtle Science & Recovery (STSR) program at Padre Island National Seashore (PAIS) for the last three-plus years. I must say how appalled, disgusted, and ashamed I am to have volunteered for the NPS for years. The NPS's total lack of transparency and honesty is everything the Arrow stands for now.

Oct 30th - 10:29am | Maureen Hurlow

The grass roots persons involved in trying to Save the Sea Turtle Program at Padre Island National Park have met with the same resistance to information. Questions that are asked are seldom answered. Any anwer given is vague and repeats a 'company line'. My opinion of the National Park Sytem has been destroyed. When I worked as a BioTech, I was proud to wear the uniform with the arrowhead.

Oct 29th - 20:10pm | Marilyn Litt

Just look at what is happening to the endangered sea turtle program at Padre Island National Seashore. The Superintendent, who has a history of interfering with engaged species program, is on a vendetts to defund the sea turtle program and bully the chief scientist into retiring. She is under a gag order and cannot speak about her life's work, the Kemp ridley sea turtle.

Oct 29th - 19:10pm | ecbuck

Which is why we need you beyond Dec 31!

National Parks Traveler's Lights Going Out

Nov 3rd - 10:49am | Glad2bretired

Kurt:  I just sent in a donation to help you a little, and hopefully help keep National Parks Traveler from going dark.  You have provided a service nobody else does, shining a light in places that National Park Service's management would prefer to keep quiet.  Once again, thanks for all you have done for the National Parks!

Oct 30th - 09:45am | David Barna

So very very sorry to hear this Kurt.  Best of luck to you in the future!  Thank you for all you've done for the National Parks!

Oct 28th - 22:52pm | Glad2bretired

Thanks for taking on such a frustrating endeavor.

Oct 26th - 07:17am | Steve Black

As a soon to be retired NPS employee, I can tell you Kurt I have very much enjoyed this site over the years. There has been breaking news here that was not coming through other channels and some lively discussions.  I wish you well.  

Oct 23rd - 12:50pm | David Crowl

Kurt, I will miss the whole pkg. of Traveler. I would wish for someone or Journalist Org. to take it on, but either way...Thank you for the Park's News over the years, You will be missed by myself and all the people that read your articles. 

Oct 23rd - 10:28am | Ryan H

As a recent new donor to this site, I am gutted to hear this news. NPT has been a staple of my morning news readings for a couple of years now, and I hate to see it go.

Ferdinand Hayden And The Founding Of Yellowstone National Park

Nov 2nd - 14:50pm | A. Johnson

. Among several shameful statements he made,...   As scientists, we should not be making editorial comments on views or acts committed over 150 years ago, that by TODAY's standards, are no longer acceptable.  This is known as the fallacy of presentism.

Humpback Whale "Hog-Tied" By Fishing Gear Freed Near Glacier Bay National Park

Nov 1st - 23:46pm | Rick B.

Not only an amazing effort across many individuals and agencies. but well documenented. We saw many whales in Alaskan waters, and seeing one so trapped is tragic, and of course who deoesn't love a happy ending.  

Oct 31st - 16:13pm | Gordon Schochet

"Wow" indeed -- a grateful and compassionate "Wow!"

Oct 28th - 15:12pm | A. Johnson

Wow.   Just wow.

What Did You Think Of Your Experience At Arches National Park?

Nov 1st - 13:19pm | Stuiterbal

I enjoyed and support the timed entry system. It seems a fair and effective measure to manage the load of high visitation numbers

Oct 25th - 10:49am | Larry

I liked the timed entry.  It did help us reduce our time in line.  I think there should be a "fast pass" lane for people with park passes and the timed entry pass so those of us who have paid already to get in or have an annual or senior pass can bypass those who have to stop and pay.  Actually this should apply to every National Park.  

Search Continues For Missing Trail Runner In Rocky Mountain National Park

Nov 1st - 10:54am | Daria

Has anyone found Mr. Pallansch?

Comment Deadline Regarding Theodore Roosevelt National Park Livestock Plan Extended

Oct 31st - 18:25pm | J.B.M.

It seems to make good management sense to clear the horses out of the park and have just native species. If people want to look at horses they can take a drive in the country and look at the pastures. Most of the horses are wild as the owners don't do anything with them other than feed them. 

Stretch Of Blue Ridge Parkway Closed To Protect Bears From Visitors

Oct 30th - 20:19pm | Eldridge Jane

Went through the area 3rd week of Oct. Totally insane with ppl disregarding all rules and regulations. Sad to see a beautiful area be disrespected. lots of vehicles should of been ticketed for improper parking making it very difficult to pass and very dangerous. ppl walking along very tight areas of the road making driving difficult. I left the area it was very unsafe conditions.

Oct 30th - 19:06pm | Connie Burnett

I am glad to know this. Bears deserve protection from people who don't educate themselves on park rules and follow the regulations regarding bears.

Oct 30th - 16:13pm | LeeAnno

This is why we can't have nice things.

Kennecott Mines National Historic Landmark: A Toxic Site

Oct 30th - 18:11pm | Kurt Repanshek

Thanks for the catch. Fixed.

Oct 30th - 17:24pm | william gard

The location is NOT in Southeast Alaska. It's in SouthCentral Alaska~ Southeast would put it down on the Panhandle. I've vistited the area many times, and am a 40 year Alaskan who knows this area well. 

Oct 24th - 06:14am | Scott Richardson

"four-wheel-drive McCarthy Road" isn't quite correct. It's easily driven in almost any vehicle these days.

Oct 23rd - 22:19pm | Paul Hanis

The plan you link to shows that there is an *assessment* taking place to determine whether or not the site is in fact qualifying of CERCLA cleanup funds. In the meantime NPS is authorized to mitigate acute hazards should they be discovered. This is MUCH different than Kennecott being a "toxic superfund site," which again, it is NOT.

Oct 23rd - 14:42pm | Bo Jensen

Kennecott Mines and Mill Town Site has a full CERCLA cleanup plan:  (  The CERCLA hotlink on that page can give you some more background on CERCLA/Superfund.

Oct 23rd - 13:40pm | Paul Hanis

Just so you know, you received VERY incorrect information on your tour. Kennecott is NOT a designated superfind site. The entire premise of this article is wrong. I have lived and worked in this area for over 20 years. A very quick search on this official EPA site confirms that there is no superfund site in the Wrangell-St. Elias region.

Pruning the Parks: Holy Cross National Monument (1933-1950)

Oct 30th - 17:06pm | Thomas L. Fuller

Just to clarify the build date on Notch Mt. Shelter and the Tigiwon Community House - they were both built in 1933 by the CCC Camp F-15. They also worked on Fall Creek and Notch Mt. trail construction. 

Caneel Bay Resort In Limbo At Virgin Islands National Park

Oct 29th - 16:19pm | Rick Amme

Please please please do not open Caneel Bay beaches to public use. I know this sounds selfish and that locals (whom I adore) resent it, but you would be gutting the charm of staying anywhere along the namesake bay of the resort. Honeymoon has been open for decades. Fine. But not Caneel, please. My late wife would thank you. 

The National Parks' Lodging Problem

Oct 29th - 14:55pm | justanothertake...

I don't know where you got your information, but having worked in one of these parks for many years, I can assure you that 16.20 per day did not include meals that were anywhere in the ballpark of great cuisine.

A Chunk Of Grand Teton National Park Could Go Up For Auction. Price Tag: $62M

Oct 29th - 12:18pm | Cary Carlson

So sad and short sighted. Would not be selling to Biden Administration...but to all the people of the world, especially All Americans.

New Superintendent of Appalachian Trail Has Record Of Fiscal Misconduct

Oct 28th - 22:48pm | Glad2bretired

It never ends.  No wonder the NPS has rock bottom morale, among the lowest in the Federal Government.

Senators: Why Is A Private Company Managing Recreation.Gov?

Oct 27th - 05:01am | Sandy Bielenberg

Rather than paying the cancellation fee, many people just forfeit their reservation, leaving the campsite empty. Because it's reserved, it can't be occupied. 

PEER: Why Is National Park Service Dragging Its Feet On Plastics?

Oct 25th - 10:25am | ecbuck

Why?  Because the cost and inconvenience far outweigh any benefits. 

Court Battle Being Waged Over Cumberland Island National Seashore's Horses

Oct 24th - 18:48pm | Charlotte Jones

These horses are starving!! Many of them are beyond thin. They are not safe drinking salt or brackish water so many of them are in kidney failure. They could easily provide both control to redthe population but refuse to do it. Shame on the Park Service for condoning the treatment of these horses.

Traveler's View | Musings About the Parks, Fall 2023

Oct 22nd - 11:15am | A. Johnson

* Can anyone say how many national park lodging rooms are blocked out for tour operators? Tour operators use park lodging?  I was not aware of that.  Thanks, KR  

The Essential RVing Guide

The Essential RVing Guide to the National Parks

The National Parks RVing Guide, aka the Essential RVing Guide To The National Parks, is the definitive guide for RVers seeking information on campgrounds in the National Park System where they can park their rigs. It's available for free for both iPhones and Android models.

This app is packed with RVing specific details on more than 250 campgrounds in more than 70 parks.

You'll also find stories about RVing in the parks, some tips if you've just recently turned into an RVer, and some planning suggestions. A bonus that wasn't in the previous eBook or PDF versions of this guide are feeds of Traveler content: you'll find our latest stories as well as our most recent podcasts just a click away.

So whether you have an iPhone or an Android, download this app and start exploring the campgrounds in the National Park System where you can park your rig.