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Fee Creep In the Parks

Dec 13th - 07:19am | repanshek

I agree to a point with Sabattis' comments. For sure, paying $80 to gain access to all federal lands is a bargain in today's economy. BUT...I don't think you can compare public lands fees to those charged by the Disney Worlds out there, which are commercial operations designed to make money. The public lands I don't think ever were intended to make money.

Dec 12th - 19:46pm | Snowbird

Sabbattis, enjoyed your comments! I think one reason why most Americans bulk at paying higher park that we, John Q. Citizen, carry the weight and the back bone of this Nation in taxes, labor...and in toil of war!

Dec 12th - 18:58pm | Sabattis

In comments on another post, I pointed out that the price increase for the Golden Eagle Pass under this system only covers inflation from 1998 to 2006 - that is spending $65 on a Golden Eagle in 1998 is the same as spending $80 on that pass in $2006.

Dec 12th - 18:32pm | Alan

The more I think about this the more outraged I feel. I don't mind paying taxes; I just want them to be well spent, whether in the local school district, for the police department or on things that I value on a personal level - like the national parks and national wildlife refuges, wilderness, etc.

Dec 12th - 15:25pm | Rick Smith

Gee, Stan, those are sure good arguments that you make. It looks like you aren't too busy to post your opinions. You must be taking a vacation from fighting for my freedom.

Dec 12th - 14:03pm | Stan

Hey Snowbird...get your head out of your a$$ and talk to a family who lost loved ones on 9/11. We ARE in a global war with cretins who wish to see even liberals like you dead (probably even more so with your penchant to support an anything-goes lifestyle).

Dec 12th - 08:49am | Snowbird

Interesting points Kath!

Dec 12th - 08:32am | Snowbird

With Bush's lying illegitmate war, with all it's billons of dollars going to waste to help Cheney's favorite corporate buddies...there won't be enough money to help pay for the toilet paper needed for the National Parks...a essential that might be denied by DC to help fund Bush's phony war.

Dec 12th - 08:22am | kath

If Canada charges $77. for its national parks pass and the State of California charges $125 (per car) for a state park pass, an $80 yearly pass to the parks is not out of the reasonable range.

Dec 11th - 22:44pm | Roger

Stop whining...the parks need the money, and they're not gonna get it from DC with a vital war goin' on against global jihadists.... Besides, if they can fund a ridiculous "global warming" study in Great Smoky, just how hard up are they?

A Little Civility, Please

Dec 13th - 07:16am | Jim Macdonald

Kurt, why don't you just @#$@#$@#... Just kidding... I think writing online is much like some people are when driving in a car. There is a lot of pent up rage in people and few outlets for letting it out. Sometimes, screaming in traffic or screaming on someone relatively anonymously behind the vehicle of the internet allows people to feel that they can vent very aggressively.

Dec 12th - 16:25pm | Snowbird

Kurt, you speak with constructive wisdom. Maybe all us should read and heed this blog...I'll be the first...anybody second...Stan?

ATB Pass: Truth and Consequences

Dec 12th - 18:47pm | Sabattis

The key with this issue is to remember that $80 pass is not for admission to any Park, National Forest, or other federal land - it is for unlimited admission to those lands charging a fee for the entire year.

Dec 11th - 11:44am | Fred Miller

It sounds to me like the visitors are going to get ripped off. It also sounds like our National Parks are going to get ripped off. AGAIN!!

What's Mary Up To?

Dec 12th - 17:09pm | Snowbird

Another stealth NPS Director behind the scenes!?

Woman Dies in Fall From Angel's Landing

Dec 12th - 11:23am | josh

I started crying while on the chains and had to go back...slowly. Ithink I wore most of my fingernails off between the chains and the rock. I just had images of slipping and not having a chance to say goodby to my loved ones. I'll go back again but not sure if i'll get past the chains. It was a wonderful hike nonetheless.

Can You Enjoy Yellowstone Without Snow?

Dec 12th - 08:07am | Alan

Snowmobiling means burning petro. Which means emissions. Which fuel climate change. Which is likely to warm, not cool, the parks. Which means less snow, then no snow. An interesting circular feedback diagram. The Blue Ribbon Coalition's membership roster does not, apparently, include any rocket scientists.

Great Smokies Studying Emissions

Dec 12th - 07:54am | Snowbird

What's your problem SpecOPs, can't face reality ? Another ostrich with his head in the hole thinker! Like Bush! Just read Professor Hansens scientific work with NASA (at Amens) on global warming...pretty convincing stuff that's been highly documented and praised by world leading climatolgists as good valid research. Check his work on the NASA website.

Dec 11th - 22:36pm | Roger


Dec 11th - 22:33pm | SpecOPs

Awwww, you GOTTA be kiddin' me.... Need to get off this global WHINING crap.... The earth has been WARMING since the last ice age!!...we most suredly have NOTHING to do with it...for pete's sake...LOL!! Now let's talk about something worth our time and uplifting!!

Is Anyone Listening?

Dec 11th - 06:34am | Jim Macdonald

I know that in the propaganda wars, individual letters are said to be given more weight over form letters. This means that they are more likely to be read. Yet, I don't think that necessarily equates to more likely to influence or more likely to be the most effective use of one's organizing time.

Dec 10th - 23:10pm | jersu

Jim, I've enjoyed reading your thoughts over the last week on this blog. I've read before that standardized form letters that arrive in email are ignored by congress, but do individual notes get any more attention?

Dec 8th - 17:58pm | repanshek

Jim, This blog welcomes contrarians. Hell, look at the beating I took over guns in the parks;-) That said, you're very right in how difficult it can be to sway congress-folk. It ain't easy, it ain't pretty, and often it ain't cheap. But, as Messers. Pombo and Burns discovered last month, they can be kicked out of the club if they ignore us too long.

Dec 8th - 16:30pm | Jim Macdonald

I hate to be contrarian again, but please at least take what I say here with a little seriousness. I live in Washington; I've worked with think tanks, I've lobbied in Congress before. Your congressperson will not listen to you beyond having the legislative aid who handles that issue send you a form letter that has been prepared on that issue.

Dec 8th - 14:03pm | Fred Miller

The whole National Park System was created to preserve some of the most beautiful places on Earth. We, as visitors to the Parks, must take a stand on these issues. Write your Congressmen. "Snail-mail", not an e-mail. Tell them to help fix the Park system. Our grandchildren will thank you. We don't need any more MIS-management of our Parks.

Placing An Economic Value on National Parks

Dec 10th - 13:05pm | parkaholic

The Fee Demo program was introduced in 1996 I feel certain that Bill Clinton was in office at that time. Cyclic maintenance funding for the supposed backlog is making it's way to the parks although it doesn't show up in the base budget...

Dec 9th - 21:27pm | Snowbird

That's all I ever hear from this Administration..."it just takes time"! It's been what six years, and the Bush Administratiom has done absolutely nothing that notes that progress is being made in the National Parks towards deferred maintenance...where was the accountability when Katrina hit New Orleans? Our Parks new help now...not political rhetoric!

Dec 9th - 20:18pm | parkaholic


Dec 8th - 10:52am | Snowbird

Kurt, your right on with your comment!

Dec 8th - 06:37am | repanshek

Wait a minute, Parkaholic. This blog and a strong majority of its readers are not ignoring what the current administration and Congress are doing to our park system with their funding and management decisions. Quite the opposite.

Guns in the Parks: A Bad Idea

Dec 9th - 20:53pm | Snowbird

Hey Spectre, sounds like you and Mr. Povich are foaming at the mouth again. You must be blood brothers that never saw a riddled body in the City morgue that was past the age of 21. I have and it makes me angry and sad...especially at people like you who advocate that guns are good for society.

Dec 9th - 20:39pm | Snowbird

Povich, What truth? The truth that the NRA want's you to preach! Give me a break! Yeah, what? Spend some time in the emergency ward and just see what kind of society were breeding: guns & bullets! I patch them up and also bury them... you would encourage that? Cut down another Christmas tree for the kid that's not going to be around for this Christmas. I'm sure you really care!

Dec 9th - 20:10pm | Spectre

Snowbird is worth ignoring...just another ignorant liberal....

Dec 9th - 20:00pm | Rick Povich

Snowbird: "bit would nice if you would plant two trees, one that you just cut down cynically" I didn't cut it down "cynically." It was for the ol' family Christmas tree. A replacement will be planted. Snowbird: "please plant the other in memory of the young man that was shot today by accident"

Dec 9th - 18:40pm | Snowbird

Mr. Povich, it would nice if you would plant two trees, one that you just cut down cynically, and please plant the other in memory of the young man that was shot today by accident...check the national morgue registry! Question, don't you ever come up for air?

Dec 9th - 11:32am | Rick Povich

Snowbird: "how about chilling out for once and plant a few trees...maybe you will feel better." I don't think I'm the one who needs chillin'! I must confess, though, I just went out and to the woods and cut down a tree. But I promise to replace it! Snowbird: "Have a nice day!"

Dec 9th - 09:04am | Snowbird

Mr. Povich, how about chilling out for once and plant a few trees...maybe you will feel better. Okay? Have a nice day!

Dec 9th - 07:59am | Rick Povich

Snowbird: "I worked for a number of years as surgical tech, I know something about the deadly carnage that guns display in are environment...especially what it has done to are youth in the inner cities"

Dec 9th - 04:53am | Rick Smith

Kurt-- That's a new one for me. I have discussed gun control with many who believe in the right to carry weapons. I have never heard, ever, anyone claim that he/she believes that this right is God-given. We are breaking new ground here in the debate on weapons in the parks.

Dec 8th - 19:29pm | Snowbird

Mr. Povich: I worked for a number of years as surgical tech, I know something about the deadly carnage that guns display in are environment...especially what it has done to are youth in the inner cities. I rather see these kids talking to someone in the National Parks, or to someone in U.S.

Dec 8th - 19:06pm | Rick Povich

Snowbird: "I'll meet you half way on the issue, since you have not produced any documented facts about your position except your wind bag opinions." What don't you understand about the information I've provided? I've documented the location and the sources. You've offered nothing except biased opinion.

Dec 8th - 18:39pm | Snowbird

Mr. Povich, I'll meet you half way on the issue, since you have not produced any documented facts about your position except your wind bag opinions. Let me say this, lets plant trees together in the parks, and you can plant (or leave) your water pistol at home, then we both will be doing something creative and constructive for the living environment... instead criticizing each other.

Dec 8th - 15:52pm | Rick Povich

Snowbird: "look who's in the White House! Mr. Bush and can't shoot straight Dickie Bird Cheney...the good old boy's representatives of the NRA!" That's informative and relevant to the discussion. To be expected.

Dec 8th - 13:13pm | Snowbird

Mr. Povich, in all do respect, may I submit to you, look who's in the White House! Mr. Bush and can't shoot straight Dickie Bird Cheney...the good old boy's representatives of the NRA! You say that "firearms actually save lives" If that's true, then why does the United States have the highest homicide rate (for industralized nation) in the world ...outside of Bush's Bagdad fiasco?

Dec 8th - 12:06pm | Rick Povich

Parkaholic is obviously quite knowledgeable of anti-gun propaganda regarding the efficacy of firearms for personal protection. Unfortunately he comes up way short of any truth. Kellerman's (you know him, right?)"research" has long been discredited. Folks with firearms actually _save_ lives. Macho gun haters talking trash are always amusing but grossly uninformed.

Dec 8th - 11:34am | Snowbird

To "some name of other" (another faceless soul). Look! the NRA is simply playing it's hand to help promote more hysteria and paranoia with it's fear campaign... by provoking people like you to do their name calling, and to distort the real facts what their real agenda is all sell more guns!!

Yellowstone Biologists: Politics, Not Science, Likely Will Decide Snowmobile Issue

Dec 8th - 20:05pm | Mike Lommler

Totally believable, if lamentable. We've been through this sort of thing before in Yellowstone, after all. You might check out this old article by political scientist/wilderness enthusiast Craig Alln:

Dec 8th - 18:20pm | Alan

Unbelievable. Unbelievable.

Retirees Coalition Asks Congress To Oppose Snowmobiles

Dec 8th - 06:27am | repanshek

Could you logically explain why someone who prefers to minimize pollution in national parks is "elitist"? "Protectionist" I can see, "elitist" I can't. Curiously, on another post you adamantly argue that the Founding Fathers intended taxes to go only towards national defense.

The $80 ATB Pass

Dec 8th - 06:15am | repanshek

So if I follow your logic, Spectre, taxes shouldn't be used to pay Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, transportation needs, Postal Service, and all the other federal programs that I'm sure you enjoy?

The Essential RVing Guide

The Essential RVing Guide to the National Parks

The National Parks RVing Guide, aka the Essential RVing Guide To The National Parks, is the definitive guide for RVers seeking information on campgrounds in the National Park System where they can park their rigs. It's available for free for both iPhones and Android models.

This app is packed with RVing specific details on more than 250 campgrounds in more than 70 parks.

You'll also find stories about RVing in the parks, some tips if you've just recently turned into an RVer, and some planning suggestions. A bonus that wasn't in the previous eBook or PDF versions of this guide are feeds of Traveler content: you'll find our latest stories as well as our most recent podcasts just a click away.

So whether you have an iPhone or an Android, download this app and start exploring the campgrounds in the National Park System where you can park your rig.