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Group Pushing Proposal To "Complete" North Cascades National Park

Nov 28th - 12:04pm | we need to do b...

" led the Conservation Council to trim about 160,000 acres from its proposal."

Counting Cacti At Saguaro National Park

Nov 28th - 11:09am | Dick G.

Has anybody been able to determine exactly why there is such a decline??

Popular Swimming Area At Capitol Reef National Park Closed Due To Dangerous Conditions

Nov 28th - 10:54am | Roma

Dear Lady Ranger I have in my hands a letter from the Park it says that there has not been a broken bone at the waterfall since 7/19/2007 case #07/0062 broken ankle.  The Park records only have on record 7 broken boons at the waterfall since 1996-2011.

Budgeting Woes Likely To Hit The National Park Service

Nov 28th - 10:35am | Rick B.

Well, perhaps the openly avowed and easily seen stance of the "loyal opposition" that they will just say no and totally shank the country if that is what it takes to defeat the sitting President? I too, wish I could only plant a seed of understanding.

Nov 27th - 21:44pm | Anonymous

not that anon:  Look deep and answer me the question why the President and the Democratic Congress have not passed a budget (Dem. House, Senate, White House for two years)?  I mean motivations here and not the public consumption lingo (Bush's fault or something similar).

Nov 27th - 17:39pm | not that anon

Anon at 12:36 - don't know which Constitution you go by but the U.S. Constitution clearly places the responsibility of passing a budget on the U.S. Congress - not on the President. The President only proposes a budget - which President Obama has never failed to do - and on time.

Nov 26th - 13:36pm | Anonymous

They might fall over dead of shock if there ever is one submitted.  I could be wrong but there hasn't been a budget since he (OB) came into office .  Supposed to part of the job he isn't doing according to the constitution.

Nov 26th - 12:41pm | ecbuck

Coyote, I would love to see your math.  Tax receipts in the year of the tax rate cuts were 1.8 trillion.  5 years later, they were 2.5 trillion.  Can you explain to me how that equates to a decrease in revenue?

Nov 26th - 11:16am | Anonymous

Anon: If you have a Cancer it's usually preferably to cut it out.  The images of these Black Friday Shoppers come to mind.  Just imagine what it'd be like if they were spending other peoples money.  I guess we know that already, don't we.

Nov 26th - 10:59am | Lee Dalton

Thanks, Hopeful.  If we don't humble ourselve voluntarily, it will be done for us.  And when that happens, it ain't a-gonna be nice. Trouble is, the ones who cause the collapse will probably weather it just fine because they have enough wealth behind them.  But for the rest of us . . . .

Nov 26th - 10:32am | Hopeful

Oddly enough I find myself agreeing in the basics of your post, Lee.  Reality is a good teacher as are the tests that are unavoidable.  A humbled attitude usually always comes after facing something that is understood as something that is bigger than all our own wishes and concerns and are able to get to the point you broached.  Bring on the humbling!

Nov 26th - 10:21am | Reality Check

Think a good project for the Left and Right Wings should be to put them on mules that I hear about going into the Grand Canyon or put them behind a raft and drag them repeatedly through Lava Falls until they get an attitude adjustment or just leave the rest of us the hell alone.  

Nov 26th - 09:40am | Spirit Coyote

Just to inject a little reality into the discussion, the Bush tax cuts did in fact decrease revenue (i'm sensing the emergence a new right wing myth that will be repreated endlessly by right wing personalities invited onto morning and primetime news shows.  Of course, the shows anchor people will never offer a correction).  The tax cuts, combined with excessive "defense" spending has created a

Nov 26th - 09:26am | Lee Dalton

When we Americans are reduced to quibbling over the meaning of a word like "caring," we're in trouble.  It shows that we are allowing ourselves to be ruled by emotion rather than reason.  The division produced by this kind of thing have paralyzed our entire country.

Nov 26th - 08:43am | Anonymous

Seriously, ecbuck?  The Constitution obviously allows for both revenue and spending.  Whether the issue is too much spending or not enough revenue depends on what you imagine the role of gov't should be.  There's nothing unConstitutional about disagreeing about tax rates or spending priorities.  

Nov 25th - 20:40pm | Anonymous

A values issue?  Role of government and what IT should spend IT's money on?   IT's money?? Some classic examples here in your post.  You could be outside the two party system here.

Nov 25th - 19:19pm | ecbuck

No it's not a values issue.  It's an economic issue of which we have plenty of evidence that capitalism beats socialism.  Our "role of government" is pretty well spelled in something called the Constitution - and its primary purpose was to limit government.  A document and system that built the greatest nation on earth.

Nov 25th - 17:35pm | Anonymous

"The problem is spending - not revenues and its true whether it is the Republicans or Democrats doing the spending." C'mon.  This is obviously a values issue, not a pragmatic one.  Whether the problem is spending or revenue--or both--depends on what you understand to be the role of government and what exactly it should spend it's money on.

Nov 25th - 12:23pm | Anonymous

Yes Rick, I am well aware that Bush & Congress overspent.  I will be the first to criticize him and them for that.  Nevertheless, his tax rate cuts led to record tax receipts.  The problem is spending - not revenues and its true whether it is the Republicans or Democrats doing the spending.

Nov 25th - 11:51am | Anonymous

To continue the thread, Rick, President Clinton is an unusually good opportunist.  It can be argued quite well that after two years of his administration the mid-terms happened and after 40 years his party lost both the House and the Senate.

Nov 25th - 11:34am | Rick Smith

ecbuck-- You do realize that Bush inherited a budget surplus and left a huge deficit? Bad wars will do that for you, even if they are off-budget as he and his team kept them. Rick

Nov 25th - 09:36am | ecbuck

Rick B.  You do realize that after the Bush tax RATE cuts tax revenues rose by 50% over the next 5 years while unemployment went down. Our problem is spending not tax rates.

Nov 25th - 09:18am | Anonymous

With all due respect for you both, the careing image has been used in Politics so much that it needs serious examination.

Nov 24th - 19:38pm | Lee Dalton

Thanks for caring, Rick B.

Nov 24th - 16:29pm | Rick B.

You badmouth "careing" [sic], and then declare me intolerant for noticing what you said. Sorry - you don't get victimhood on this one. I don't drink, but if you show up here in Alaska I'll buy you a beer and me a cup of coffee and we can chat. Tolerance is a two-way street. Y'all have a nice Thanksgiving out there. 

Nov 24th - 15:50pm | Anonymous

Great talking points, Rick!  You're right, conservatives just want to starve children and kill old people, lol.  Who's coming up with the death panels by the way.  Don't think you'd have a beer with me with your intolerance.   Happy and grateful Thanksgiving blessings to everybody, Adios

Nov 24th - 13:37pm | Rick B.

[[[ and on a totally non-sequitur chuckle, "Relief Underalls" was a marvelous Captcha  ]]]

Nov 24th - 13:36pm | Rick B.

Which is why you obviously don't care, anon? I felt like you when I was young and thought I was superman. As I grew up, saw more people bleed as a result of conservative non-caring [which IS how it is spelled], I grew a conscience. 

Nov 24th - 10:40am | Anonymous

"For those that care?"  You're starting to sound like the candidate from Texas , Lee.  Don't think you have the "Care" brand all to yourself.  Lots of spoiled and disenfranchised kids out there that had "careing parents or the war on poverty (careing people)."  Careing doesn't, in itself, solve anything and can do quite the opposite.  

Nov 24th - 09:44am | Lee Dalton

I've been reading Tom Brokaw's new book, "The Time of Our Lives."  It should be required reading for all Americans.  At least for those who care . . . . Please go get a copy and start reading.

Nov 24th - 09:04am | Anonymous

Like the rest of nation.  If NPS can't be grateful for what they have, cut away starting at the top.   Fat salaries and perks don't go hand in hand with quality character and performance.  A very good case can be made that it's just the opposite.  Culture thing I suppose.   Have a Happy Grateful Thanksgiving

Nov 24th - 06:39am | Anonymous

The back log in Maintenence is due to the superintendents of parks taking money for projects and spending it elsewhere.......It`s called bad management !!!!!!! There is alot of  fat in the park service.New computers every year ,cell phones ,and people hired that are never at work or do nothing when they are at work..

Why The Delay In Designating Official Wilderness In National Parks?

Nov 28th - 09:33am | Anonymous

You are assuming, Brian, the "new normal" is only temporary which I'd like to believe. However many, particularly in one segment on one side of the isle have been working hard for this kind of hope and change and require it (this economy) to continue to save the world is what I get out of their actions.  Smartest and brightest, I don't think so.  

Nov 27th - 18:52pm | Brian Daniher

Anon, if you're comparing umenployment and wilderness designation, keep in mind that a person's unemployment is temporary, but the destruction of our few remaining wild lands is permanent.

Nov 27th - 15:49pm | Anonymous

Hey Better, oh, but it is!  Not necessarily for me and apparently not for you (one can't always tell).  If you and others so fixated on your own deals would encourage the sector that provides the tax dollars to maintain the parks you might get some sympathy from me.  Just seems pretty selfish to support one and not the other.  We're all in this together would be a better approach.

Nov 27th - 14:41pm | we need to do b...

Nobody's going to have a job if the ecosystem that supports us keeps disappearing. Quit talking about your wallet. It's not the most important part of the equation.

Nov 27th - 11:45am | Anonymous

How about being more careing for those masses that are unemployed.  At least waive their camp site fees (pittance of consideration).

Nov 27th - 10:30am | we need to do b...

The goal of every congress, Republican or Democrat, seems to be to hand out pittances to constituencies. It's like government is handing out candy bars, one at a time, to starving homeless people.

High Water Table, Wetlands Causing Flooding At Cape Hatteras National Seashore

Nov 28th - 07:28am | SS1

From my observations, (over 50 years) this entire area is normally seasonally wet during the fall and winter. I recently drove through this area  (11/27) and the water in the road was no more than a few inches deep and posing no problem to numerous vehicles that were accessing ramp 43 and 44. Migratory waterfowl were present in the area.

Pruning the Parks: Castle Pinckney National Monument (1933-1956)

Nov 27th - 09:55am | Bob Janiskee

I'm not sure how one goes about getting permission to visit Castle Pinckney.  You might try checking with the owner, the South Carolina State Ports Authority.  

Nov 27th - 07:51am | Anonymous

How does one get a permit to visit the old castle.

National Park Mystery Spot 31 Revealed: Big Tree Inside, Lots More Outside

Nov 26th - 05:21am | Olivera Radovanovic

Yes, you are right. The Harry Hampton Visitor Center is very inviting. I spent wonderful time there. [This comment is from the Congaree National Park visitor depicted in the photo. She is the director of Serbia's Green Network of Vojvodina. Ed.]

BLM Considering Proposal To Expand Coal Mine Near Bryce Canyon National Park

Nov 25th - 18:09pm | Anonymous

Where is the NPS on this proposal?  In the entire article, there was not one statement from NPS officials either locally or from IMR regarding any concerns or the adequacy of the environmental document just released by BLM.  From the article you wouldn't have even known that the DEIS was from BLM.  The Secretary of the Interior has responsibility to protect National Parks from outside influence

A Potpourri of Suggestions For Visiting The National Park System This Winter

Nov 25th - 14:27pm | Bob Pahre

Or, if you have the skills, climb a mountain at Rocky Mountain. In addition to Saguaro, other warm-state backpacking options include the Guadalupes and Big Bend.

Nov 25th - 12:17pm | y_p_w

Since you mentioned snowshoeing, I'd note that there are ranger led snowshoeing trips at several of the parks you mentioned, as well as at some West Coast parks such as Yosemite NP, Lassen Volcanic NP, and Olympic NP.

By the Numbers: Golden Gate National Recreation Area

Nov 25th - 14:19pm | Bob Janiskee

There is indeed a group campground at the Presidio, y_p_w.  (It has four campsites, not two, but I will give you full credit for a nice catch.) I've changed the campground count to five.

Nov 25th - 12:42pm | y_p_w

There's one more campground you didn't mention. There's the Rob Hill Group Camp at the Presidio. They have two group sites. It's the only place I know where public tent camping is legally allowed in San Francisco, although there are people illegally doing so at various parks and near freeways.

Nov 25th - 12:06pm | Corey Holly

I love our Golden Gate National Parks. Thank you all who support and care for them. Sincerely, Corey Holly

Fears Rise That Congress Could Open More Units Of National Park System to Hunting

Nov 25th - 10:33am | David Crowl

So I suppose all hikers would be required to wear bright orange...sorry not in my wardrobe.

National Park Mystery Spot 31: Walk This Way

Nov 24th - 05:17am | Bob Janiskee

... and RangerLady makes four. Looks like this one grades out a little tougher than average.

The Essential RVing Guide

The Essential RVing Guide to the National Parks

The National Parks RVing Guide, aka the Essential RVing Guide To The National Parks, is the definitive guide for RVers seeking information on campgrounds in the National Park System where they can park their rigs. It's available for free for both iPhones and Android models.

This app is packed with RVing specific details on more than 250 campgrounds in more than 70 parks.

You'll also find stories about RVing in the parks, some tips if you've just recently turned into an RVer, and some planning suggestions. A bonus that wasn't in the previous eBook or PDF versions of this guide are feeds of Traveler content: you'll find our latest stories as well as our most recent podcasts just a click away.

So whether you have an iPhone or an Android, download this app and start exploring the campgrounds in the National Park System where you can park your rig.