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Dinosaur National Monument

Captured In Rock

Can you name the artist?

Dinosaur National Monument is a well-known repository of Native American rock art, with much left from Fremont culture artists or shamans.

According to the National Park Service, "The style and content of Fremont designs vary throughout the region. The “Classic Vernal Style” predominates in Dinosaur National Monument. This style is characterized by human-like figures, animal-like figures, and abstract designs."

Kurt Repanshek

Terrain Map Shows that Kurt’s Wednesday Campsite on the Yampa Was Way Cool

After spending Tuesday ashore, presumably hiking, Kurt Repanshek headed down the Yampa River again Wednesday and ensconced himself at a new campsite for the night. SPOT has marked the spot in scenic Dinosaur National Monument, and the Terrain topographic map reveals that it's a dramatic place.

Yampa River, Lifeblood To Dinosaur National Monument, Eyed for Water Diversions

Somewhat small in stature at just about 250 miles in length, the Yampa River that flows through Dinosaur National Monument is significant not just for its white-water rapids but for its unbridled flows. Not a single dam stands in the way of this river famous with rafters and the lifeblood for four species of endangered fish.
Image icon YampaProjectExecSummary.pdf

The Essential RVing Guide

The Essential RVing Guide to the National Parks

The National Parks RVing Guide, aka the Essential RVing Guide To The National Parks, is the definitive guide for RVers seeking information on campgrounds in the National Park System where they can park their rigs. It's available for free for both iPhones and Android models.

This app is packed with RVing specific details on more than 250 campgrounds in more than 70 parks.

You'll also find stories about RVing in the parks, some tips if you've just recently turned into an RVer, and some planning suggestions. A bonus that wasn't in the previous eBook or PDF versions of this guide are feeds of Traveler content: you'll find our latest stories as well as our most recent podcasts just a click away.

So whether you have an iPhone or an Android, download this app and start exploring the campgrounds in the National Park System where you can park your rig.