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A Winter Visit To Virgin Islands National Park: The Logistics

Nov 6th - 07:05am | Miranda Altman

My husband and I are thinking about planning a trip to this park in Feburary or March and are just starting to research. This a great overview of what to expect!

Nov 4th - 13:22pm | Rick B.

About 30 years ago I enjoyed a visit to St Croix, which included chartering a catamaran to Buck Island, where we enjoyed snorkeling the underwater nature trail. That day of snorkeling alone made the trip.

Nov 4th - 12:00pm | Anonymous

Island Paddler, Thank-you for your clarification on the status of Maho Bay Camps.  Your comments are very accurate.

Nov 4th - 05:19am | Susanna Henigha...

Nice intro to the ins and outs of visiting St. John. I think the most important thing to remember is that St. John is worth the trip! The island is 3/4 national park and has some of the best beaches, hiking and snorkeling you'll find.

Nov 3rd - 06:56am | Island Paddler

A few slight tweaks and comments to your story. Caneel Bay Resort is run by Rosewood with a concession from the NPS as are other lodges across the NPS. It sits within the park boundaries so it's really fair to put it in the same category as those at Yellowstone and Yosemite, for example.

Nov 3rd - 06:52am | Danny Bernstein

Good article that has me dreaming about the US Virgin Islands. But please clarify something. In the US Virgin Islands, you drive on the left with American cars. So it is more complicated than driving in England where the cars are designed to drive on the left. Is that correct? Or can you rent left-handed cars to drive on the left?  Thanks Danny Bernstein

Hiking the Appalachian National Scenic Trail: It Takes More Heart than Heel

Nov 6th - 05:49am | Lenny Bernstein

You're right about section hiking being harder than thru-hiking, but it has its rewards. Thru-hikers have to focus on the A.T. and only the A.T. Section hikers have the luxury of learning more about the towns an attractions around the Trail. Also, many thru-hikers hike the A.T., then move on to other things. Section hikers commit to the A.T.

Sagamore Hill, Home To Theodore Roosevelt, To Get $6.2 Million Renovation Next Spring

Nov 6th - 00:45am | Jack Hutton

A priceless American Treasure that will instruct all generations on the life & times of one our finest Presidents   Thank you for care taking Sagamore Hill 

What Should Gettysburg National Military Park Do With Its Empty Cyclorama Building?

Nov 5th - 12:17pm | Anonymous

The ground the building sits on is historic. The painting it once housed is historic. The building is not. Just tear it down and move on. We have wasted enough time fighting over this piece of junk. Spending money to make the structure able to be used again would be on the edge of stupid.

Family of Man Killed By Mountain Goat in Olympic National Park Sues National Park Service

Nov 5th - 11:30am | Proofreader

Perhaps the NPS should make everyone sign a release after passing a sign that says "Enter at your own risk."

Nov 3rd - 09:15am | Darren Guy

Ridiculous.  It's a wild and natural environment.  You take risks in going there.  99% or more of the time people will be fine.  It's sad that the nation has come to a state of financial greediness, which this is an example of.  The family sees the chance to make out with millions, so they go for it.  They figure they

Nov 3rd - 08:37am | Lee Dalton

Glacier Park?  Were they carrying bear spray?  I kinda think if I'd felt threatened by a mountain goat, I'd have tried spray.

Nov 3rd - 07:57am | Anonymous

I got poison ivy at sleeping bear dunes.  NPS didnt warn me.  Can I sue for the cost of Calamine lotion?

Nov 3rd - 02:44am | Anonymous

If you go to a National Park, remember this is not a zoo.  If you are not prepared to encounter wild, possibly dangerous animals, DON'T GO.  The man went to the goats 'home', not the other way around.  I have been to many National Parks.  I don't blame the Park Service.

Nov 2nd - 20:42pm | PauletteB

Of course the goat "was dangerous"; it's a WILD ANIMAL! Want to avoid the inherent dangers of the wilderness? Stay home! What happened to this man is a shame; what his wife is doing is shameful.

Nov 2nd - 20:37pm | Blackfeet Dreamer

Yeah, I'm sorry, no one likes anyone to die in the National Parks for any reason, but I will stand up for the residents everyday of the week.  I feel very sorry for this man and his family.  But I sign up for the same deal everytime I venture outside the house.  This world is filled with the things that can and will get you killed.  I don't believe in corporal punishment for humans or other ani

Nov 2nd - 20:33pm | Becca

COMPLETELY Agree with the first post from ananymous!!!!  Perfectly stated!  Thank. You. Exactly! 

Nov 2nd - 19:32pm | Kurt Repanshek

According to witnesses, this mountain goat approached the party Mr. Boardman was with and, after he told the others to go on down the trail, it came after him. It doesn't sound like he went out of his way to encounter the goat or acted irresponsibly.

Nov 2nd - 19:14pm | Wulverine

I hope to go to Yosemite next summer. If so, and anyone in my party dies while climbing Half Dome, I intend to sue to the NPS for $10 mill. The US government knows its a danger and keeps it opened. You have been so warned of this impending lawsuit.

Nov 2nd - 18:25pm | Anonymous

This is just strange.  The nanny state wants the NPS to enforce parks as if they are zoos.  Remove goats who are acting wild, kill mountain lions for getting close to campgrounds, and shoot bears for using their natural instincts by protecting their young.  I'm not naive and I understand that a lot of our parks aren't WILD anymore, but they are the closest thing to wild that we have, and people

Backpack the Grand Canyon

Nov 5th - 00:38am | Anonymous

Yes, there should be a wedding chapel somewhere on the Rim to handle the need.  Maybe that should be a concession proposal.  It could be in the jobs bill!  Just feeling giddy, Kurt.  It's not a bad idea, though:).

Nov 4th - 10:47am | backpackandgear

The Grand Canyon is to be seen. I have been to the South Rim and the North Rim. I will one day do these trails into the canyon. The size is incredible. No canyon in the world can match the size of the Grand Canyon. People from all over the world come here. There is magic here and that is why so many people propose marriage to their significant others when they see this place.

Nov 4th - 10:38am | AnonymousD

In April, we hiked from the South Rim down to the river, stayed several nights, and hiked back up. It was our third such trip, and they've all been very difficult and extremely rewarding. I've always had trouble explaining either the difficulty, the reward, or both. Mr. Brown's DVD manages that quite well.

Tree Falls Block Scenic Parkway In Redwood National And State Parks

Nov 4th - 22:28pm | Anonymous

According to NBC Nightly News last night, a twin-trunked Sequoia fell yesterday in Sequoia National Monument -- administered by the Forest Service.  A ranger in the clip blamed it on saturated soil and wind.  The tree didn't break.  The roots pulled out.

Nov 3rd - 19:18pm | Dana Kuyper

What caused the trees to fall?

Traditional Holiday Festival Coming To Bent's Old Fort National Historic Site in December

Nov 4th - 20:39pm | Mellosy

This is a great event for the Fort. I have been there several times for the Christmas Celebration, and have enjoyed every minute of it.  I have gone with our Boy Scout troop, and they love to play rounders. Just the general feel of what it was back then is awesome. Esp when you look out over land that has no housing and can imagine what it was like. The Yule log hunt is great.

Code of Conduct For Comments

Nov 4th - 09:34am | Anonymous

Dottie dittos.  Kurt, you are much better at this than Anderson Cooper:).  Rock On, Traveler!

Nov 4th - 08:20am | Dottie

Thank you for the much-needed refresher course.  I know I get carried away, but you should see the ones that I never actually finish sending!

Here's A Handy List of 2012 Workshops In And Around Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Nov 4th - 08:25am | Great Smoky Mou...

And don't forget the popular Blue Ribbon Country Fair at Great Smoky Mountains Heritage Center in Townsend on September 29!

National Park Mystery Spot 30 Revealed: The Rhyming Road Takes You There

Nov 3rd - 19:17pm | Bob Janiskee

I dunno, RangerLady; "just got back from vacation" sounds like weaselspeak to me. :o)

Nov 3rd - 16:38pm | RangerLady

I was stuck for awhile too. I researched NPS sites along Route 66 for hours before it dawned on me that it doesn't go from coast to coast. And I worked at Shark Valley for 3 years! Shame on me for being slow....Can I use the fact that I just got back from vacation as an excuse?

Nov 3rd - 14:44pm | Bob Janiskee

Canals that spell out "LIFE"? First time I've heard that one. If true, I'd certainly like to hear more about it.

Nov 3rd - 14:37pm | y_p_w

I was thinking Shark Valley for a while, but I got tripped up by the first two and bonus questions.

Nov 3rd - 13:32pm | Blackfeet Dreamer

Nice one!  I was stuck with "Mother Death, Rode Jaws Forever"!

Chair Of House Subcommittee On National Parks Calls Parks, Other Federal Lands Unconstitutional

Nov 3rd - 17:06pm | Anonymous

Could it be a pendulum swing when there have been excesses in reach and policy?  Can neither factions reach a willingness to see the benefits of the other?  Pay the bills, allow the tax payers to enrich their experiences/lives and be practical in approaches to acquiring new properties?

Nov 3rd - 16:46pm | Brian Daniher

The disturbing thing about this issue is that the Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands consists of a majority of representatives that have openly professed their dislike of federal land, including a chairman saying that the very basis for his committee is unconstitutional. Isn't that contrary to the focus of the subcommittee?

Nov 3rd - 11:17am | Anonymous

I wouldn't have guessed that you'd be in with the Occupy bunch.  Please say it ain't so, Joe/Lee:).

Nov 3rd - 09:50am | Anonymous

From my critical view, what you describe Lee is just more attempts to show an effort while out of view doing just the opposite.  Transparency, what's that?  What of Fast and Furious (and other highly dubious political actions).

Cuyahoga Valley National Park: Underrated and Understated

Nov 3rd - 14:53pm | y_p_w

David R: We could argue designations, but I believe CUVA is worthy of inclusion in the NP system. As with many other parks, e.g. Blue Ridge, CUVA preserves an important story of this nation's development and facilitates protection of a rural landscape on the edge of encroaching development.

Nov 3rd - 13:26pm | Blackfeet Dreamer

It's true that the Tea Party doesn't seem to be against clean water; but they sure don't seem to be for protecting it.  Easy come easy go I guess.  The Tea Party Congressionals have brought up over 90 bills so far in their current term to try to weaken the EPA and/or the Clean Air/Water Act.  Say what you want, but actions do speak louder than words. 

Congressman Pushing Legislation To Require National Park Gift Shops To Carry "Made In America" Items

Nov 3rd - 09:34am | Tom Williams

We own one of the companies currently selling product to the National Park bookstores. The basic item itself is made in China. There are currently no manufacturers in the US making these items and since they are all handwork, there never will be.

House Oversight Committee Looking Into Point Reyes National Seashore's Handling Of Oyster Farm Future

Nov 3rd - 09:17am | Anonymous

It's just not anything new to contrive a case against or make it impossible for something like Drake's Bay Oyster Co. or any number of historic inholdings that somehow after a 100 years (in some cases) seems incompatible with modern NPS culture and the pseudo environmental industries alliances.  In many cases (DBOC excepted) the in-holders were led to believe that their positions were secure.

Nov 2nd - 14:54pm | y_p_w

I've read the DOI report. It never cleared PRNS staff of wrongdoing. In fact it seems almost scathing to some degree about the conduct by PRNS staff. What it did say was essentially that they wouldn't recommend criminal charges be pursued and wouldn't recommend that staff be fired for their misconduct. That's a far cry from being cleared.

National Park Mystery Spot 30: Just Answer These Questions

Nov 3rd - 04:57am | Bob Janiskee

Well, it took you a while to get there, y_p_w, but you did it. :o)

Nov 2nd - 16:18pm | Bob Janiskee

Eric Nelson, RangerLady, and Kat have also nailed it. Good work.

National Park Service Honors Top Ranger, Volunteers

Nov 2nd - 23:03pm | Passer by:)

She does have a swagger about her and deservedly so!  Okay now Lisa, get back to work and put all this glory where it belongs, lol!!!  Congratulations!!  A passer by :)

Nov 2nd - 18:28pm | Anonymous

Lisa Hendy is hands down one of the most amazing rangers in the Park Service today.  Books will be written about her heriocs!  Congrats.

Running With The Big Sled Dogs At Denali National Park, The Video

Nov 2nd - 17:48pm | Roxanne

I have visited the sled dogs in Denali a couple times (May & Aug, seperate years).  Yes, they were on chains - very long chains.  And they seemed happy & healthy to me - & I have issues with people cooping dogs up in houses, so 'chaining' them, I agree, sounds really cruel.  Which is why I'm thankful to the person ("Ranger") who replied after doing some research...  These dogs aren'

Nov 2nd - 15:49pm | Ranger

Maybe the previous commenter could be more explicit about how she would like to see the lives of the Denali sled dogs changed?

America's Parks Through The Beauty Of Art—A New Art Competition Issues Call For Entries

Nov 2nd - 15:49pm | Cindy Weitzel

Hi, I am not to sure if you already had sent me the competiton rules or not could you please resend  to the address above..Thanks you David!   All the Best!   Cindy

The Essential RVing Guide

The Essential RVing Guide to the National Parks

The National Parks RVing Guide, aka the Essential RVing Guide To The National Parks, is the definitive guide for RVers seeking information on campgrounds in the National Park System where they can park their rigs. It's available for free for both iPhones and Android models.

This app is packed with RVing specific details on more than 250 campgrounds in more than 70 parks.

You'll also find stories about RVing in the parks, some tips if you've just recently turned into an RVer, and some planning suggestions. A bonus that wasn't in the previous eBook or PDF versions of this guide are feeds of Traveler content: you'll find our latest stories as well as our most recent podcasts just a click away.

So whether you have an iPhone or an Android, download this app and start exploring the campgrounds in the National Park System where you can park your rig.