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Winter: A “Secret Season” in the South’s Loftiest National Parks

Dec 30th - 09:56am | D. K. Wall & Th...

Thank you for the great article.  You did leave out the most Southern stretch of the Blue Ridge Parkway - from Mt Pisgah south.  That stretch has the highest elevations of the parkway, thus the snow that falls tends to linger.  "Our" stretch of the Parkway (Soco Gap area) is easy to get to from the house.

Thanks To All Our Readers

Dec 30th - 09:41am | Nicky Leach

I agree with Lee. Kurt, Bob, and all at NPT have been doing an outstanding job in providing a daily forum on all things "national park." Big congratulations for growing the e-publication this year. I enjoyed reporting on the treasures of Bandelier National Monument for the Spring edition travel planner (right before Bandelier's new Visitor

Dec 30th - 08:03am | Lee Dalton

And thank YOU, Kurt and Bob and the others working behind the scenes, for making this possible.

Gone and Mostly Forgotten: 26 Abolished National Parks

Dec 30th - 08:54am | Gary Bremen

Great summary! Nice to have the quick tidbits to go along with the name. I knew most of these, but somehow missed the fact that Papgo-Saguaro is the same as Phoenix's Papago!

As A Federal Agent, Carter Niemeyer Killed Wolves For A Living

Dec 29th - 22:05pm | anonymous

Jim, could you explain further?  You've piqued my interest but not entirely sure what you are getting at.

Dec 29th - 20:17pm | Jim Setzer

Well considering the track record of mankind,  hunting species to extinction and then re-establishing them doesn't make much sense and that is only one of our attributes, I don't think I need to say more about that.

National Park Service Reviewing West Virginia Site For Possible National Park and Preserve

Dec 29th - 15:44pm | anonymous

Lee:  You saying spelling trumps common sense?  Always fun discussing things with scholarly types, lol.  "Deteriorate" or deteriorating is what is happening to the country and it's not because we didn't spend twice as much stimulus.   Vive the wild places!  Get rid of the elitest buerocrats.   

Dec 29th - 15:30pm | anonymous

Ha, Lee, check your dictionary further, lol.  I believe you'll find that pop culture and Liberal have more similarities than conservative.  Direct opposites in my library but no doubt you are much more learned than I.  Try and convince me the country has gotten more conservative especially in the areas of the National Park Service and big government in general.  Hard to accept ...

Dec 29th - 15:07pm | Lee Dalton

Let's change one word: "Could it be the culture has declined to such an extent that the original intent (and culture) has been bastardized by pop culture/conservative direction with the deteriation of grounding?" I do have one question, though.  What the heck does "deteriation" mean.  Couldn't find it in my dictionary.

Dec 29th - 12:10pm | ecbuck

It's interpretation?  A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.  There isn't much to interpret.  Nor is there anything the NRA does that "promotes poaching".

Dec 29th - 12:00pm | anonymous

Rick Smith: As opposed to your interpretation?  What would be the differences, Rick?  Could it be the culture has declined to such an extent that the original intent (and culture) has been bastardized by pop culture/liberal direction with the deteriation of grounding?  

Dec 29th - 11:51am | Rick Smith

No, ecbuck, the NRA promotes its interpretation of the 2nd Amendment.

Dec 29th - 09:41am | ecbuck

Anon, The NRA promotes the 2nd Amendment.  There is nothing they do that encourages poaching. Your comment was pure hyperbola with no basis in fact.

Dec 29th - 05:43am | DStaniforth

I've been looking at photos of the area and it looks wonderful. Having Shenandoah and a potential new National Park and Preserve near each other can only benefit the area

Dec 28th - 17:08pm | Anonymous

The NRA promotes carrying loaded weapons in national parks where visitors have the expectation of not being shot by some "avid hunter in disguise supposedly defending himself from any predator": visit:

Dec 28th - 08:06am | Kirby Adams

Having visited this area regularly since I was too young to remember, I'm not sure how I feel about this. For one thing, on a weekday in early June in the morning, you can visit all the iconic sites in Blackwater Falls SP and be alone. Same can be said for some of my favorite spots in Canaan Valley NWR and Bear Rocks in Dolly Sods.

Dec 27th - 18:30pm | ecbuck

" The NRA and other poacher endorsers" Anon - Could you please show us where the NRA has endorsed poaching?

Dec 27th - 16:10pm | Anonymous

  As a former West Virginian, I was devastated to re-learn how many poachers continue to dis-respect wildlife and wildlife laws since there is virtually no wildlife law enforcement.  Any actual national park designation will have the poacher, career-felon residents to cope with

Dec 27th - 10:25am | Graybeard

"We’ve always said 'park and preserve.' Probably the largest part would be in the preserve status," she said, adding, quickly, that "it’s premature to say we could even have a park."

Persistent Pedestrians: Black Bears in Big Bend National Park

Dec 29th - 10:35am | Dick G.

What a great story-- let's hope the bears are there to stay.

Interesting National Park Stories That Appealed to Us

Dec 29th - 09:50am | Kurt Repanshek

Some good suggestions, David. We're trying to insert more photos into our stories, though maps might be a little trickier. In the back of our minds we're thinking of a redesign that might allow that, so perhaps in 2012 we can make it happen. Cheers, Kurt

Dec 29th - 09:36am | David Crowl

I enjoyed all the stories you mention and many more. I love reading about places I've been, places I'd like to go, and places I may never see. I would like to see more photos, and maps of trails that may pertain to the story so I do not have to go looking for those after I read your stories. Keep u[p the great work!

Dec 29th - 08:40am | Smoky Mtn Hiker

From a purely hiking achievement point of view, there were a couple of significant stories from the national parks this year: * Jake Bramante became the first person to ever hike every mile of every trail within Glacier National Park (a total of 734 miles) in only one year.

Wish Comes True at Aztec Ruins National Monument After Nearly Ninety Years

Dec 29th - 09:40am | anonymous

Hey, the cavemen/women managed to evolve without OSHA or a sue happy mindset.  Maybe their attitude/situation could be revived and save the world.  We just might be headed in that direction/correction.      

Dec 29th - 09:03am | Graybeard

Being 6'4" tall, I can speak with authority when I say that those of us who are taller than "average" are pretty used to watching for things that hang down into our space and miss our shorter brethren and sisters. We occasionally will get a good whack but it's not likely to happen twice in the same day! :) Great sign!

Dec 29th - 08:29am | anonymous

Makes me think of the front door of Hopi House, the Mary Jane Coulter designed and built historic gift shop on the Rim at Grand Canyon.  The door frame is so low that even a 6 foot individual must duck their head to get in.  Almost a daily occurance for someone to bump their head sometimes significantly.

Dec 29th - 00:32am | y_p_w

Yes I'm serious. I can't tell exactly how tall the beams are, but I've heard of plenty of cases where people have been seriously injured by walking into structures that weren't reasonably high. If I were to guess, it's about 6'3" off the ground, and several people in the shot could easily hit the beams.

Dec 28th - 14:08pm | RangerLady

I know you're being sarcastic Dick, but I really like the idea of heated toilet seats! Being a girl is rough during the winter sometimes

Dec 28th - 11:29am | Dick G.

Pretty funny!! Ok so let's pad every post, overhanging door jam and anything else someone might hit there head on!!! Please heat the toilet seats also in Yellowstone-- they are quite cold this time of year.

National Park Service Falls in "Best Places To Work" Rankings

Dec 28th - 23:36pm | Alberto Garcia

Left NPS in 2009 after eight years because a career that started as a seasonal and eventually became a permanent position turned into a nightmare after about the sixth year. Ranger DIvision at small park out in SW Texas. Supts.

Trails We Hiked During 2011

Dec 28th - 18:40pm | Anonymous

Hiked from Tuolumne Meadows to Happy Isles in Yosemite National Park.  28 miles of the most beautiful scenery in the world. 

Dec 28th - 12:35pm | MaryBeth

Dang it.  We hiked the Park Butte Trail up to Mt. Baker did I mistakenly say Rainier?   MB

Dec 28th - 12:33pm | MaryBeth

We, Bob and I, hiked the Park Butte trail up to the 5500 ft level on Mt Rainier  last summer.  It was quite an excursion.  Lots of up hill and even crossing a glacier fed river/stream.  Lots of fun and many photo ops.  MB

And the National Park Mystery Spot Champion for 2011 Is . . .

Dec 28th - 17:24pm | RangerLady

So very true Lee! I was on this trip for one of my college classes and we were way up in the mountains with several inches of snow on the ground and the only bathroom was an outhouse with a metal seat. Heated seats are so very important.

Dec 28th - 16:01pm | Lee Dalton

Heated toilet seats are NOT frivolous.

Dec 28th - 15:42pm | Bob Janiskee

Sorry, RangerLady. Traveler's budget can't accommodate your car payments. Anyway, you'd probably just spend the extra money on frivolous stuff like food, shelter,and heated toilet seats. 

Dec 28th - 11:06am | Eric

Congratulations RangerLady! Watch out I'm gunning for your #1 spot in 2012.

Dec 28th - 10:01am | RangerLady

Wow! I have never won anything before! Can my prize be no more car payments for a year?

Keep Friends Groups In Your National Park Thoughts

Dec 28th - 12:16pm | Julie Klett

Thank you Kurt for highlighting friends groups! We are often the humble elves working behind the scenes to make our nation's public lands the very best they can be. And we can't do it alone -- our community of friends, members and donors make our important work possible. Thanks again from all of us at the Rocky Mountain Nature Association (partner to Rocky Mountain National Park).

Dec 27th - 10:12am | Holly Scott

Thank you, National Park Traveler and Kurt for emphasizing the importance of partnerships to our national park system!  All of us at Friends of the Smokies hope that 2012 is a great year for NPT.

Summer Special: Five Favorite Summer Hikes At Acadia National Park

Dec 28th - 07:43am | Michel

Perfect timing for this article, as I'm starting to plan my hicking trip to Acadia next summer.  It's always great to get some valuable tips like these ones.

Where in the World is Paul Fugate?

Dec 28th - 00:39am | Anonymous

Everytime I hear the name "Chiricahuas" I can think only of paying a visit to the monument with a cousin one late summer afternoon preceeding Paul Fugate's disappearance. I was about 16 or 17 years old at the time and, as I remember it, my cousin's then-wife and her family were close friends of Mr. Fugate; having grown up in the same area.

A December Rarity: Driving The Tioga Road Through Yosemite National Park

Dec 27th - 19:35pm | dave fleishman

We went up yesterday after reading this post.  Amazing.  Well worth the six-hour round-trip.  Here are a couple pix from the trip.

NPCA Report: America's National Parks Have Troubling Problems With Natural, Cultural, Historic Resources

Dec 27th - 19:29pm | Graybeard

Jim, thanks for catching that. It is 11 not 1. Apparently the beard isn't all that's getting gray around here. ;)

Dec 27th - 16:04pm | Jim Burnett

Graybeard - I believe the above article makes reference to an estimated $11 billion backlog, rather than $1 billion, so although the ARRA funds were a good start, there's still a long way to go. When we're talking about that kind of money, it can be hard to keep track of the "zeros."

Dec 27th - 14:49pm | Graybeard

Forgive me as I am late to the discussion here. You cite a $1 Billion backog in Maintenance and then mention $750 Million from ARRA. Is the $1 Billion after the $750 Million (as in the backlog before ARRA was $1.75 Billion) or before (as in efficient use of the $750 Million should have cut the backlog to $250 Million except for the impact of unquantified backlog existing)?

Studies Show Bear Spray More Effective Than Guns Against Grizzlies

Dec 27th - 16:55pm | mauser6863

Politics is force, the exercise of political force is a form of violence. Sure we cloak it as civiliy as possible in the United States, citations, court dates, civil forfeture, but at the end of the day, the government has the power, at gun point to imprison you and take your life if you don't do what they say.

Issue Of Climbing Fees At Denali National Park Raises Questions Of Fee Equity

Dec 27th - 15:11pm | Graybeard

Chip mentioned SPOT devices above. Just FYI, SPOT makes available up to $100K in SAR expense insurance (underwriten by Lloyds of London) for $12.95 per year.

National Park Service Director Jon Jarvis Puts Priorities on Workforce, Relevancy, Stewardship and Education

Dec 27th - 13:56pm | Sandra Henderson

You want to talk about Stewardship!??! Get .... down here and pick up the dead horses that are about to be on my property on CINS!~~ IDIOTS!~ I've emails Fred Boyles about turning off the water to the south end and the horses are not being forced to my house, knocking over my pipes to my 800 ft well and holding tank.

Fears Rise That Congress Could Open More Units Of National Park System to Hunting

Dec 27th - 12:51pm | Anonymous

Wow, this is great!  Hunting and fishing is the best conservation program we have going.  I imagine this would help put some fear of people back into the practically tame animals in the NP's; hopefully stopping the petting of elk in Yellowstone followed by trampeled idiot!

The Essential RVing Guide

The Essential RVing Guide to the National Parks

The National Parks RVing Guide, aka the Essential RVing Guide To The National Parks, is the definitive guide for RVers seeking information on campgrounds in the National Park System where they can park their rigs. It's available for free for both iPhones and Android models.

This app is packed with RVing specific details on more than 250 campgrounds in more than 70 parks.

You'll also find stories about RVing in the parks, some tips if you've just recently turned into an RVer, and some planning suggestions. A bonus that wasn't in the previous eBook or PDF versions of this guide are feeds of Traveler content: you'll find our latest stories as well as our most recent podcasts just a click away.

So whether you have an iPhone or an Android, download this app and start exploring the campgrounds in the National Park System where you can park your rig.