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Reader Participation Day: Help Us Name the Best Adventures In the National Park System, Lower 48 Edition

Sep 29th - 05:49am | Barbara Lefford

Hiking up to Vernal Falls in Yosemite Nt.Pk.

Record Summer of Turtle Nesting at Cape Hatteras National Seashore Spawns....Debate

Sep 28th - 23:20pm | DJ

Kurt, Thanks for the article. It is all very complicated. I think it is important to note that Mr. Hardom is one of the spokespeople for ORV access in CHNS. As you stated he is president of the Cape Hatteras Anglers Club (CHAC) whose mission statement reads in part:

Sep 28th - 21:43pm | Crotalus

Nest Success - This is calculated by the total number of nests that hatched with > 10% emergence success divided by the number of nests laid. Beach Success - This is calculated by the total number of nests laid divided by the total number of crawls (nest crawls and false crawls). Actually, CAHA relocated 31 percent of their nests in 2009 (they had 32 percent emergence).

Sep 28th - 20:26pm | dapster

"Come on Dap, you shouldn't make such claims without even checking them out first:" Ummm.... I did an average of the relatively small sample area on Isle of Palms, SC, turtle nests to date per the website sourced. You do the math. It still comes out to 80+%. They lost more nests, then Cape Hatteras even had.

Sep 28th - 19:32pm | dapster

Kurt, Agreed. Extreme turbidity has been part of this since 1978, give or take a decade...

Sep 28th - 18:09pm | Crotalus

Dapster, Oh, and [South Carolina] moves nests that are at even the slightest risk of innundation. Funny, that.... Come on Dap, you shouldn't make such claims without even checking them out first:

Sep 28th - 18:08pm | Kurt Repanshek

Dap, this whole issue is clear as mud;-) Emotional words and imagery do indeed convey messages, just as do run-over turtles and tire ruts. The problem for the bystander -- and this is not specific to Cape Hatteras, but to just about any controversial issue inside or outside the national parks -- is discerning from the spin what is true and to what extent.

Sep 28th - 17:55pm | Crotalus

Mr Johnston, (your statements in italics, my responses in bold) Regarding Piping Mad, if you view it again, I don't think turtles are addressed here. We are focussed on the Piping Plover. So how did we get to Piping Mad in this thread? You brought up “manipulation of information” of which Piping Mad is, IMO, a most egregious example.

Sep 28th - 16:06pm | longcaster

I cannot let this go by without comment;

Sep 28th - 15:39pm | dapster

Perhaps I mispoke, which is not unheard of coming from this guy. Yes, the NPS is in a tough situation, and generally shoot down the middle to the best of their abilities. Perhaps I should have left them out of the same group as the SELC, but my point was more towards the amount of press out of these groups all combined compared to that of the pro-access folks.

Sep 28th - 13:25pm | Jeff Johnston

Kurt, I do agree with your comment regarding NPS, they are between a rock and hard spot. That's unfortunate.

Sep 28th - 13:23pm | Jeff Johnston

Thanks for your comments Kurt. Regarding my "payment," that's not publicized because frankly I didn't think it was anyone's business, but, you are right, clarity on that is probably important. We have taken on this issue because we feel it's an important one...much larger issues at stake than ORV access at Hatteras.

Sep 28th - 13:18pm | Kurt Repanshek

Spin exists everywhere, unfortunately. As to the overwhelming majority of press coverage, I haven't tracked it so can't say. In my dealings with the NPS, I didn't get the sense they were trying to spin things or offer one side over another. They're between a rock and a hard spot.

Sep 28th - 13:08pm | dapster

"Well of course it's pertinent, Dap. PR firms are paid to spin a story. Certainly, it's good to know that Mr. Johnston is offering his services pro bono, as that wasn't previously clear and so it was hard to say what his motivation was in posting comments."

Sep 28th - 12:09pm | Kurt Repanshek

Well of course it's pertinent, Dap. PR firms are paid to spin a story. Certainly, it's good to know that Mr. Johnston is offering his services pro bono, as that wasn't previously clear and so it was hard to say what his motivation was in posting comments.

Sep 28th - 11:46am | dapster

Kurt, I, as an individual who resides in Virgina, (and as a member of the pro-access groups like CHAC, OBPA, and NCBBA), also have a "vested interest" in continued ORV access in CHNSRA, just as Mr. Johnston does.

Sep 28th - 09:42am | Rob Schonk

Crot, Your comments have been refuted in detail on the Outer Banks Connection Message Board, so rather than address them, I'll just post a link and let the folks decide for themselves:

Sep 27th - 21:45pm | Crotalus

Mr Johnston, Since you're here and the topic has diverged to "manipulation of information," I was wondering if you could clarify a few issues I have with "piping mad". Why wasn't there a disclaimer on the photo with beagle in the foothold trap stating it was being used for emotional value only and it had no connection to Cape Hatteras National Seashore?

Sep 27th - 19:29pm | Jeff Johnston

For transparency's sake, yes I do. And yes, I have a serious personal interest -- the injuries people are suffering. For the record, I have always been a conservationist. Still am. And, for the record, my interests here are not financial, my work in this issue will continue to be pro bono.

Sep 27th - 17:06pm | Kurt Repanshek

Perhaps you can point to the manipulation, Mr. Johnston.

Sep 27th - 16:19pm | Jeff Johnston

The constant manipulation of information and data in the name of environmentalism to justify agendas that are clearly damaging the futures and economies of the people affected is one of America's sad tragedies. I sense a backlash though. The sympathies of the people are wearing very, very thin.

Sections of Pacific Crest Trail Poached by Mountain Bikers; Could Problems Arise in National Parks?

Sep 28th - 23:18pm | Marc Taylor

It's a federal law. The law states that there shall be no vehicles driven on PCT - period. Is that what this nation has become? A collective mass of idiots believing that they are entitled to whatever they feel is justified in their own minds? Well, as a Marine Vet, I see these types of recurring actions incessantly.

Commentary: How Do You Prefer National Parks, Utilitarian, or Utopian?

Sep 28th - 22:06pm | Anonymous

I would love to stand on the summit of Mt. McKinley. That would be an amazing thing to experience. But, unless they install an elevator :), that is something in life I will not be experiencing. But is that all bad? I admire the people who commit their time, talents and energy to achieve such a goal and I think it's great they get to reap the rewards of such an effort.

Sep 28th - 21:10pm | Anon

If I could see even one landscape in Yosemite as little disturbed as the day John Muir saw it, I would be very happy. I doubt that's an achievable goal, so I'll settle for my kids getting to see Yosemite with as few disturbances as when I first hiked there.

Sep 28th - 18:02pm | Spreck Rosekrans

Snowmobiling in Yellowstone and a tram in the Grand Canyon are tough calls - I would probably favor limited footprints in both areas though I need to learn more about what people want. Driving on the beach at Cape Hatteras is more an Endangered Species issue than a National Park issue.

Sep 28th - 15:12pm | Lee Dalton

Wow, Kurt, you sure touched one off here. This is a continuation of the age-old controversy that has always affected park management -- and will continue to do so until there are either no more parks or no more people.

Sep 28th - 12:41pm | Jon Merryman

It's not only me-me-me but also now-now-now. It's that "who cares, I'll be dead" attitude -- the same attitude George W. Bush conveyed when he was asked about his legacy. In many ways we are a victim of our successes.

Sep 28th - 11:13am | Anonymous

I've traveled extensively these past couple years. I've gone to numerous (over 60) National Parks, Disneyland, Disney World and countless tourist attractions throughout the country. One thing prevails regardless of location and that is that people are selfish. There is such a "I am the only one that matters" attitude.

Sep 28th - 07:42am | Larry

Maybe a compromise is due. Set aside parks operating in the "red" for the snowmobiles or go carts to generate income and leave those in the "black" in their purest natural settings. Or let those who visit the parks in one particular year vote on how they should be managed or what limitations should apply.

Sep 28th - 06:29am | Barky

One of the biggest pleasures I get out of touring the National Parks is the separation it gives me from the ludicrousness of our "developed" world. I want a chance to walk alone in a quiet area with nothing but nature around me.

Sep 28th - 06:27am | MRC

I see four issues here, interconnected. One is plain business sense. It is the one most easily explained. The second one is administrative creep. Each generation of NPS management wishes to be immortal by leaving something behind. Usually bricks, mortar, concrete or asphalt. The third is the general feeling of entitlement in our society. Once it is there, I must be able to use it.

Updated: Possible Increase In Climbing Fees at Denali, Mount Rainier National Parks Condemned by Climbers

Sep 28th - 15:30pm | Lee Dalton

An excellent comment, Toothdoctor.

Climate Change Continues To Melt Glacier National Park's Icons

Sep 28th - 13:19pm | Anonymous

this is an awesome article. i am writing an essay on depleting glacial runoff and tis really helped. i've also heard that countries like chile and peru need the glacial runoff for their ony water source.

No Charges Forthcoming In Shooting of Grizzly In Denali National Park and Preserve

Sep 28th - 12:51pm | Anonymous

What bothers me most about the incident is the direction interpretation of law is moving! If there isn't a law permitting something then it can be interpreted as breaking the law. Granted, this outcome might not be common, but allowing it to happen, because of publicly sensitive topics, is divisive and can set presidents that endanger all of our freedoms!

Fall Into Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone Kills California Woman

Sep 28th - 12:18pm | Anonymous

3 years later. Miss and love you, Charlotte.

Mojave Desert Land Trust Secures More than 950 Acres for Joshua Tree National Park

Sep 28th - 10:53am | Nancy Karl

Hi Mike -- There are two ways to add lands into the parks: Administrative and legislative Mojave Desert Land Trust will work initially to add the parcels legislatively. Either avenue can take some time (a year or more) for the boundary adjustment that brings the parcels inside the park. Hope that helps. Nancy Karl Mojave Desert Land Trust

Sep 28th - 09:33am | MikeD

Is legislation required to officially add this land to the park?

Stargazing Scheduled for Great Smoky Mountains, Mount Rainier National Parks This Weekend

Sep 28th - 09:21am | pkrnger

In the eastern USA, organized star parties are at the mercy of the weather. However, so far the weather forecast for this Saturday evening looks quite promising. If all goes well, we'll have a small forest of different telescopes out in Cades Cove.

Bill to Establish a National Historical Park at Coltsville Misfires in the House

Sep 27th - 19:55pm | Barky

I, too, live in Connecticut, just a few towns away from Hartford. I am also a big NPS fan. However, I, too, don't think this is worthy of park status. There is really nothing left except for the building, so it wouldn't be a restoration as much as a complete fabrication.

Sep 27th - 17:37pm | Parkhiker

Parkpork. Larson is simply trying to bring some money to his district. I'm a liberal Democrat and I live in Connecticut and there is NO need for this.

Sep 27th - 15:18pm | d-2

Both Coltsville and Homestead (steel industry site in Pittsburgh) have integrity problems.

Sep 27th - 13:12pm | MikeD

Hard to say. I guess I'm not sold on the idea of a unit celebrating the manufacturing of firearms, both because it seems like such a specific historical topic and I don't know that I like the idea of the government creating a park that essentially celebrates personal firearms.

Mules In Grand Canyon National Park: Should They Stay?

Sep 27th - 19:49pm | john

If you walk, it's free. If you want to ride a mule, it costs money. The "special interest" argument is specious because it's the more exclusive rich folks that offer it.

Beach Driving Ban Brings Fort Matanzas National Monument into Compliance, But Angers Matanzas Beach Users

Sep 27th - 16:20pm | Wendy

I miss not being able to drive at Matanzas Inlet. I used to go there to unwind and get back to nature. Relax, listen to the water gently lap on the shore. It was the best place to get water for my aquarium. (50 miles away, but so worth it.) Maybe someday we can get back there...

French Climber Dies in Fall on Mt. McKinley in Denali National Park and Preserve

Sep 27th - 15:58pm | Ryan

20 degrees is not that severe for a mountaineering endeavor such as Denali, but still very dangerous. If he had been tied, in who knows, two climbers may have been dealt the same fate. He must have lost awareness his sled, then over reacted, should have let the sled go! There is no place for inattentiveness in the mountains.

Another Daring Rescue at Yosemite National Park Uses a Bean Bag/Short Haul

Sep 27th - 15:57pm | Anonymous

Great photo by Clay Usinger!

Lakefront Building At Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore Earns Top Energy/Environmental Certification

Sep 27th - 14:46pm | Catherine

Just a note that LEED was developed by the United States GREEN Building Council.

Grand Teton National Park Officials Plan to Extend Jackson Hole Airport's Lease For 20 Years

Sep 27th - 14:27pm | y_p_w

The airport was established before the NPS had control over the land. I don't know if there was another place where an airport could be placed. It's actually in a pretty flat area and far from any of the major visitation areas. They placed a ski resort into a mountain in the Tetons. I'd think that's a bigger issue than an airport located several miles from the Tetons.

Traveler's Checklist: Ozark National Scenic Riverways

Sep 27th - 13:39pm | Jim Davis

Planning your trip to the scenic riverways? Don't miss the chance to hike/backpack Missouri's longest trail system the "Ozark Trail". Relatively unknown and non-commercialized 225 miles of through trail with a total mileage of nearly 350. This trail system has also received National Recreational Trail status.

Fall On Longs Peak in Rocky Mountain National Park Proves Deadly to Rhode Island Man

Sep 27th - 13:28pm | Ralph

Next thing you know the government is going to require handrails along the route to prevent people from injuring themselves! Sad to hear this person lost their life...but at least he was enjoying some of the most spectacular sights that nature has to offer before he died. Not very many people know how to live life to the fullest!

The Essential RVing Guide

The Essential RVing Guide to the National Parks

The National Parks RVing Guide, aka the Essential RVing Guide To The National Parks, is the definitive guide for RVers seeking information on campgrounds in the National Park System where they can park their rigs. It's available for free for both iPhones and Android models.

This app is packed with RVing specific details on more than 250 campgrounds in more than 70 parks.

You'll also find stories about RVing in the parks, some tips if you've just recently turned into an RVer, and some planning suggestions. A bonus that wasn't in the previous eBook or PDF versions of this guide are feeds of Traveler content: you'll find our latest stories as well as our most recent podcasts just a click away.

So whether you have an iPhone or an Android, download this app and start exploring the campgrounds in the National Park System where you can park your rig.