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War And Consequences: The American Indian Movement Vs. The National Park Service At Fort Laramie, Part II

Apr 26th - 14:29pm | MG

Bill Gwaltney, park superintendent, should be commended for his efforts! I HATE politics!! The history and events of the past will never change, Those who forget the past are condemmed to repeat them. It's too bad whitie took over all that wonderful country and screwed it... and all in 160+ years.

Apr 26th - 12:05pm | Interpreter

The catch phrase used to be "education": "Educate" the public and they'll understand that their current assumptions, behavior, (insert your term) ---are in error and modify accordingly.

Apr 26th - 10:13am | Concerned Taxpayer

I foind it absolutly disgusting how the US has, and continues, to treat Native Indians.  They were here first and we treat them with less dignity than we do illegal aliens from Central America.  We need to understand these Native Americans deserve more help in gaining an economic livlihood and less govn't handouts.  This is a disgrace!

Interior Department Issues Report That Looks At Climate-Change Impacts On Western River Basins

Apr 26th - 13:36pm | samsdad1

War And Consequences: The American Indian Movement Vs. The National Park Service At Fort Laramie

Apr 26th - 13:13pm | Robert M. Utley

[color=#1f497d] [/color][color=#1f497d]Several comments:   [/color]

Apr 25th - 22:17pm | Anonymous

Enjoyed the article very much.  Preservation of historic structures certainly gives visitors a sense of place.  Interpretation is about seeing the bigger picture in context.  There's a balance needed and always room for improvement.  Not having visited Fort Laramie, this is the theme I find most intriguing:

Apr 25th - 16:50pm | Anonymous

As an avid visitor to NPS-managed forts and related historical sites, I am often miffed by what I perceive as narrowly-construed interpretation at most of the western forts.  Fort Larned (in west-central Kansas, founded in 1859) comes to mind, where an inordinate focus seems to be on the day-to-day details of military life, uniforms, cannon types, building construction details, and so forth - w

Apr 25th - 15:55pm | Mellody

We should not be little what the park service or the park managers have done in the past with regards to Ft. Laramie. They gave a history of the west that was prevalent at the time, and what people wanted to see. Growing up I knew little of the Sioux Wars, not till I came west did I understand the importance of these wars.

Apr 25th - 15:34pm | S. Kane

First thing; this piece strikes me as nit picking. The facilities at the fort are great and go along way to bringing history alive for the lay public and inspiring the western military enthusiast.

Apr 25th - 15:17pm | S. Kane

A thought provoking article in the sense that history can't be all things to all people, all the time. I applaud the park for doing the work that they have--- and to diminish the current level of preservation is as short sighted as it gets.

Apr 25th - 12:18pm | Anonymous

It's sad and true what happened to the Native -American cultures. The story should be told. It is however the story of human civilization-- since the beginning one culture has taken over another-- either by force or assimulation. The Indian cultures did it to each other and some day it will happen to us. It's the human story-- just different cultures and different times.

Apr 25th - 12:02pm | Bob

I am very glad to see this article, and to see this issue being raised on NPT.  As it turns out, I have a forthcoming article that raises similar concerns about Fort Davis NHS, and I'm in the middle of a project looking at other national park units in the West. 

Apr 25th - 09:29am | Jill

When I  visited Fort Laramie one very chilly and foggy day a few years ago, I came away with a completely different interpretation than this article would suggest.  Very likely because I was the only visitor roaming the grounds?  I started my day by watching a video at the visitor center, which emphasized the Native Americans and the results of the broken treaties.  The displays at the visitor

Apr 25th - 08:25am | Reality Check

Wonderful piece Mr. Sellars.  For me it depicts reality while attempting to not demonize those that came before us but to humanize the often dark side that every person (and nation) struggles with.  I'll take reality :)  Very good!

Bluffs Lodge Along The Blue Ridge Parkway Shuttered For 2011

Apr 26th - 11:43am | Gene Bowker

Sad to hear this. One of my favorite "must stops" when traveling that part of the Parkway. Hopefully it reopens next year.

Fatal Fall from Angels Landing in Zion National Park

Apr 26th - 11:40am | Anonymous

Having hiked Angels landing before, it makes me feel very good to know that there are actually still hikes out there that the state or government has not regulated to the fullest and "Most safe" according to their saftey handbooks.  Yes this was a tragic tragic event, and I feel deeply for the victim and her family, but to have such a beautiful and challenging hike/climb like angels landing clo

Distilling The Facts About Securing The Southwestern Border With Mexico Can Be Tricky

Apr 26th - 08:33am | Tom Vaughan

Rep. Bishop and all others in Congress should be focusing on comprehensive immigration reform, not using this 800-pound gorilla as a device to accomplish other goals without directly addressing it. In the process, they continue to inflame, polarize and confound the issue, making it a third rail that no politician has the guts to address.

Apr 25th - 20:05pm | Reality Check

Sorry Rick, a lot more reality in what Brittanicus brings to the conversation than what this admin. is pushing.  The last four Presidential elections (and mid-term candidates) I've ask myself of each candidate what "WOULDN'T" each candidate do to get what "he" wants (at the expense of the country).

Apr 25th - 19:52pm | Reality Check

I hear you Random Walker, lol! If you want to continue the trend we're ALL screwed in more ways than we can imagine!

Apr 25th - 19:15pm | Rick Smith

Brittanicus--You should immediately move to Arizona and get yourself elected to the state legislature.   They sure need more members who think like you do.

Apr 25th - 18:53pm | Random Walker

Dear White People, Don't you just hate immigrants? Sincerely, Native Americans

Apr 25th - 16:17pm | Brittanicus


Apr 25th - 15:20pm | Reality Check

Well Rick, we could go back and forth in debate mode but there is a reality here, lol.   This arena that many of these politicians live in is all about controlling the message and winning the big con job.  I lived (married) with a very liberal, Democratic Student Union President AND champion debater.

Apr 25th - 13:14pm | Rick B.

"I could be wrong but I can't remember Bush ever blaming anyone to give cover to a deceptive agenda or impotence despite what the media and political operatives offered."

Apr 25th - 10:39am | Reality Check

About Iraq, Kurt, when you look into who benefits by "Bush lied about Iraq" it was those politicians and their party that switched their positions afterwards.  Almost everyone thought there WERE weapons of mass destruction, including the present Secretary of State.  I don't think Bush is that good at lying, to his credit, lol!  He'd look as guilty as Nixon did when he actually DID lie.

Apr 25th - 09:08am | Kurt Repanshek

Deceptive agenda? Doesn't that define the Iraq War? That aside, many politicians in recent history seem to bend events to suit their purposes.

Apr 25th - 08:54am | Reality Check

RE: Rick B

Apr 25th - 00:42am | Rick B.

Well, let's see. Ranger Eggle was killed in 2002. That would be under the Bush DOJ.

Apr 25th - 00:15am | Reality Check

Correction, it should be"OK, what is the administration/DOJ's foremost concern by suing the State of Arizona and siding with MEXICO (NOT ARIZONA) because they try and enforce the illegal immigration laws?

Apr 24th - 23:39pm | Reality Check

Sorry, correction.  That's,"siding with MEXICO" against it's own citizens (Arizona).  Thanks

Apr 24th - 18:25pm | Reality Check

OK, what is the administration/DOJ's foremost concern by suing Arizona and siding with Arizona against it's own citizens because they try and enforce the ILLEGAL immigration laws? Could it be they're fishing for Democratic voters to replace the voters disenchanted or more the case, horrified by the path we're on.

Apr 24th - 09:51am | Rick Smith

Kurt writes, "Whether Congressman Bishop is foremost concerned with border security, or sees the issue as a tool to undo some of the country's key environmental laws, is debateable."  I personally don't think it is debatable.  He is using the border issues as a way to get at the environmental laws he has long opposed.  If that were not true, he would not be saying that "“It is exceptionally cle

Apr 24th - 08:28am | No border wall

Great post.  Bishop is not concerned with border security.  If he were, he would have listened to witnesses such as Ron Vitiello of the Border Patrol, who you quote.  Instead, he berated and mocked the Border Patrol and listened to witnesses who had retired from the Border Patrol years ago, and who do not possess current knowledge about the situation.

Help Yellowstone National Park's Wildlife By "Adopting" A Wolf For Mother's Day

Apr 26th - 06:54am | samsdad1

I think buying her a star is more in order

Park Trips: Paddling Into Yellowstone National Park

Apr 26th - 03:48am | Wil

I did this trip in 1997 with some friends when I was working in the park during my college years. We borrowed two Coleman canoes and headed up the river. Best trip I ever took while there except a float trip up the Smith river. We packed in tons of food and gear. It was just great. In the morning I would paddle out on the lake past the drop off and cast into the abyss.

Traveler's Checklist: Doughton Park on the Blue Ridge Parkway

Apr 25th - 21:16pm | Linda

The restaurant is closed.

Latest Studies On Yellowstone National Park's Wolf Packs Shows Stable Population

Apr 25th - 15:16pm | Anonymous

Global warming is one component affecting elk survival.  Constant movement to avoid predators decrease the amount of energy elk have for survival and reproduction.  If you think about it as a budget, global warming decreases the energy income during spring and summer at the same time wolves increase energy costs during winter.  One or the other does not break the energy bank, but both together

Apr 24th - 13:47pm | Jacqueline

Wolves were in yellowstone at one time until they were hunted to extinction within the park. Now after 70 years they are finally being brought back in to the park. I think its about time that they brought them back.

Scrimshaw Artworks Stolen From Cape Cod National Seashore Visitor Center

Apr 25th - 13:33pm | Anonymous

Everyone is certainly entitled to their opinion but what's the difference of harvesting an animal for it's bone or ivory as opposed to its meat other then a "philosophical" one?

Apr 25th - 09:06am | Anonymous

I agree with Bruce's comments on walrus, but much modern day scrimshaw is done on fossilized mammoth ivory which is dug out of the ground and is easily recognizable.  Much contemporary scrimshaw is benign and the art form can continue without damage to present wildlife.

Apr 25th - 08:19am | Andrew Perkins

re: "New scrimshaw should be universally outlawed and shunned."  While I agree that hunting any animal just for their tusks or "for old time's sake" is ridiculous, the art of scrimshaw can be and is practiced not only on or even "pre-embargo" ivory - ivory that was aquired before the CITEs treaty, but more and more on mammoth ivory - ivory from animals that died out 10,000+ years ago.

Apr 24th - 08:14am | Bruce

Actually, "These wonderful pieces of maritime art belong to" the long-dead walruses whose bones were used for carving and engraving.  While I recognize the aesthetic and historic value of these artworks, I am also pleased that this barbarous practice has been "diminished."  Unfortunately, the killing of walruses just for their tusks has not been entirely suppressed, however:

Can We Afford The America's Great Outdoors Initiative?

Apr 25th - 13:10pm | Bill

This initiative, and the "partnerships" division of the park service does nothing but suck money away from the maintenance backlog of the parks themselves.  I volunteered with NPS staff on a few of these events, and saw what the "AGO initiative" really was - just a series of extremely expensive meetings and conferences in order to produce another long document that really just spells out what t

Former Seasonal Employee At Great Smoky Mountains National Park Sentenced For Killing Wildlife In Park

Apr 25th - 12:21pm | Anonymous

Seems like a light sentence to me

Construction Making It Tough To Drive The Blue Ridge Parkway This Summer

Apr 25th - 09:28am | Anonymous

The Parkway motor road is open except for that section mentioned above where the hisotric stonework is being rehabilitated, milepost 232.5-244.7. Seasonal openings of visitor centers, picnic areas and campgrounds can be found here:  

Apr 25th - 04:31am | Anonymous

so when is the parkway going to open. thanks

Murder Suspect Rescued, Then Arrested, by Rangers at Grand Canyon National Park

Apr 25th - 04:03am | James Jacoby

Good job park rangers and rescue team, apprehending a violent murder suspect. You do not receive enough praise for the dangerous jobs you perform daily.

Legislation Would Add Official Wilderness To Olympic National Park, Transfer Acreage to Quileute Tribe

Apr 24th - 18:29pm | RodF

1) La Push does not flood during Quillayute River flood events. However, if a major subduction zone earthquake occurs (and it will, someday), a tsunami may arrive within 10 to 15 minutes, too short a time for complete evacuation.

Fort Sumter and Bull Run Stamps Will Lead Off Civil War 150th Anniversary Commemorative Series

Apr 24th - 08:23am | Marjorie

From "five myths about why the south seceded: 5. The South couldn’t have made it long as a slave society.

How Stable Is The Future Of Isle Royale National Park's Wolf Population?

Apr 24th - 07:41am | george desort

Check out the film Fortunate WIlderness, the wolf and moose study of Isle Royale

The Essential RVing Guide

The Essential RVing Guide to the National Parks

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So whether you have an iPhone or an Android, download this app and start exploring the campgrounds in the National Park System where you can park your rig.