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Reader Participation Day: What Brings You To Yellowstone, Wildlife Or Water Works?

Jul 6th - 09:41am | Jimi D

Wildlife over waterworks, but hiking and landscape photo opps trump them all. Besides, you might get them all in a great photo.

Jul 6th - 08:30am | Smoky Zeidel

Wildlife! For me, always, always the wildlife. Unless it's the, definitely the wildlife!

Jul 6th - 08:19am | Carol B

Our decisions are based solely on hiking, photography spots and maybe off-roading [but not a requirement]. AND - do I have a Passport stamp for that park?

National Park Mystery Spot 26: An Elevation

Jul 6th - 09:40am | Bob Janiskee

Exploring a Civil Rights connection will not lead you to this mystery spot.

Jul 6th - 09:38am | Bob Janiskee

Not Denali National Park and not Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Here's another hint: this mystery spot is not in one of the 58 National Park-designated units of the Park System.

Jul 6th - 09:38am | Will

Does it have something to do with Civil Rights?

Jul 6th - 09:26am | Anonymous

Great Smoky Mountains

Jul 6th - 09:23am | Anonymous

Denali National Park

Jul 6th - 08:32am | Bob Janiskee

Not Glacier National Park.

Jul 6th - 08:27am | Smoky Zeidel

Glacier National Park.

Jul 6th - 08:14am | Bob Janiskee

Not Rocky Mountain National Park.

Jul 6th - 08:12am | Dan Martin

Rocky Mountain National Park.

Jul 6th - 08:06am | Bob Janiskee

Sorry, Anon 8:58; this national park mystery spot is not the National Mall.

Jul 6th - 07:58am | Anonymous

The National Mall

Civil War-Era Fort Monroe Drawing Top Attention In Bid To Be Included In National Park System

Jul 6th - 09:39am | Existing Fort M...

Fort Monroe, like most government properties, was in the best of hands with DoD by being well groomed and maintained to high standards.   Turning this property over to the NPS is the best option to avoid seedy deteriotation and greedy exploitation by the city and developers.   Fort Monroe in NPS hands will rival the world class Presidio in San Francisco, another closed army based turned over to

Jul 5th - 23:21pm | we need to do b...

Urban camping and American heritage; Republicans and Democrats need to agree on this much. But to hear nothing about all of the other worthy national park proposals and just be hand fed 565 acres by this administration leaves me very dissatissfied. If we want an urban national park, what about Niagara Falls? Now that's world class history and scenery. Tear down those casino walls, Mr.

Jul 5th - 16:29pm | Michael Kellett

Fort Monroe definitely qualifies for National Park System designation. A few short years -- even months -- ago, advocates were worried that it may never happen. But they persisted and people are finally beginning to recognize the area's significance. Now, Fort Monroe looks like it may really get the national park recognition that it deserves.

Jul 5th - 14:02pm | Russ

With all deference to the Fort's considerable role in Civil War History - Fort Monroe aka Old Point Comfort - has as an equally significant colonial and national history that should and must not be understated or overlooked. 

Jul 5th - 13:20pm | Alan Spears

Plans to add Fort Monroe to the National Park System as America’s next great urban national park have widespread, bi-partisan support.

Jul 5th - 11:56am | Anonymous

Once again the old tired saw--which bugs me--about insufficient money for parks (while there's always enough money for the military, direct payments to billionaires, ad nauseam). Also, it isn't a given that there would be an admission charge if Fort Monroe were a park rather than a military base--many parks have free entry. 

Jul 5th - 09:47am | Midge

In my opinion, we can't afford to add yet another high maintenance historical landmark to the list of places to be shut down because there aren't enough funds to keep them open. Currently places like this, rich with our nations history are in jeapardy of being closed or us being charged and additional fee to see them. Budget doesn't seem to matter .........

Jul 5th - 09:08am | Anonymous

This, in my opinion, would be the most significant addition (new unit) to the National Park System since the 1990's given its long and storied history.  I'm looking forward to its proclamation as a national monument.

Quotations Tied To National Parks Worth Mulling

Jul 6th - 08:20am | Lee Dalton

The James Watt comment regarding USE vs PRESERVATION serves as a very strong reminder of the need for constant, unending vigilance on the part of those who must work to keep our parks strong and viable for future generations.   We've seen repeated encores of this every eight years or so, the most recent under the administration of President Cheney and his little buddy.

Jul 5th - 14:19pm | Anonymous

...and to provide for the enjoyment of the same in such manner and by such means as will leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations.

Jul 5th - 10:36am | tomp2

“From a natural resources perspective, the NPS is an agency with a mission statement to die for, and a budget that is killing us.” – Mike Soukup, former Associate Director

Jul 4th - 15:58pm | m13cli

Quote 2, Henry David Thoreau on Preserving LandBy rbrewer | Published:

National Park Road Trip 2011: Glacier National Park's Interior Lodges

Jul 6th - 08:09am | Kurt Repanshek

Will, Thanks for raising this point, because the answer is interesting. First, I'm sure David and Kay meant Great Northern Railway, not the Northern Pacific, when they wrote the story, and I'll fix that. But in reading about the inn's history on the inn's page, it says the railroad itself did not actually build the inn, but contracted with someone else to do that:

Jul 6th - 07:56am | Will

I thought the Great Northern, not the Northern Pacific, built what became the Izaac Walton Inn. Similarly, wouldn't the Great Northern have built Many Glacier Hotel? I thought the current Empire Builder ran on former Great Northern tracks, and the former Northern Pacific main line ran near Interstate 90 and 94 through most of Montana.

Jul 5th - 11:03am | Kurt Repanshek

Annemarie, Yes, Yellowstone is on the Scotts' agenda.

Jul 5th - 10:51am | Annemarie

Love these articles.  We have been to many of the lodges they are reviewing in their travels but I was wondering if they are going to Yellowstone on this trip to review the lodges there.   We are planning a week in Yellowstone next year and don't know how to plan the week with lodging.  The park is so big and we love to hike.  Any help with lodging and related articles or books would be appreci

Jul 5th - 09:02am | Kurt Repanshek

Ken, if you've ever been in this end of the country, you know bandwidth can be very limited in some areas;-) They're going to try to upload the video as soon as they find a strong enough carrier.

Jul 5th - 06:43am | Ken

What no video ?  I really look forward to the short clips at each of your stops.

Grizzly Photographed In North Cascades National Park

Jul 6th - 00:00am | Anonymous

I think it looks like a black bear....roman nose profile...I do see the slight be 100% I'd like to see a clearer photo. but I'm not an "expert"

Help Choose the Logo for 125th Anniversary of the Statue of Liberty

Jul 5th - 20:09pm | PM

Sometimes even the professionals can make bad designs.  Remember the recent change to the GAP logo that was lasted only a short time due to public reaction.  I always thought the Lucent logo looked like a coffee cup stain on a piece of paper.

Jul 5th - 19:52pm | Jim Burnett

My, looks like the logos are batting 0 for 10 so far. Maybe this is a good time to clarify for some of our readers that neither the Traveler nor any of our volunteer writers have any official connection with the National Park Service, so we aren't the decision-makers on park issues :-)

Jul 5th - 16:00pm | Reality

I guess that what were the choices is really what the young people themselves are expressing about the Iconic Statue.  That itself may be something that the educators should concern themselves.  Might be difficult but it's something that transcends the decades (even the 60's:) when we get right down to the nitty gritty and what we are REALLY about:).

Jul 5th - 14:13pm | Chris P Shicken

I'd say it's a bad idea to have students create a mark this important. Perhaps someone with a bit more experience should lead the charge and let the students hone their skills a bit more before tackling something this big. Bad idea all around. So yes, ditto to the above comments.

Jul 5th - 13:23pm | Anonymous

This can't be for real! And if it is, shame on you! America, what has become of you?

Jul 5th - 10:32am | Anonymous

It is only a 125th anniversary, and they are students. Though I think some are a bit off. So if you expect some great piece of art I doubt you are going to find it in a comm, arts class when they are generally regulated to student web designers and the such. But c'mon they are still kids.

Jul 5th - 10:18am | Craig Thompson

I can only echo the sentiments of the above comments. Something this important deserves someone with professional design ability. No offense to the students - they are students and still learning. The work is fine for a class exercise but not for a national monument. When will people in positions of influence recognize the value and importance of design?

Jul 5th - 09:45am | Carol B

WOW ... what they said - pretty danged AWFUL.  Insulting. The quality of the logo design should equal the quality of the statue. Not even close.

Jul 5th - 09:23am | Reality

I have to agree with Justin and the others here.  Possibly if this had been done during the short years after 911 the effort would seem more inspired reflecting the strong sense of gratitude and hope that the Statue of Liberty has always signified despite all the America haters out there.

Jul 5th - 07:33am | Elsy Aumann

OMG, this logos are an embarrassment, I agree with the comment above and cannot ask anyone as part of my social media circle to come vote for such atrocities. There are a lot of great design firms in this country who would had probably participated and donated the talent in exchange of the honor. This is truly an embarrassment...

Jul 5th - 04:20am | Justin

God, talk about choosing a lesser evil. Never mind the slap-in-the-face this kind of contest is to the country’s thriving and talented design community, but all of the options in the poll are very poor choices—ugly, awkward things that do not represent anything that the statue does. Sorry, NJCU.

Jul 5th - 03:58am | Von Glitschka

[Imagine] if France would have used crowd sourcing to produce the winning design for the statue they'd gift to the United States. It would probably be on par with the craptacular work shown in the final logo designs you're polling.

Politics Raise A Potential Roadblock to Creation Of A "Maine Woods National Park and Preserve"

Jul 5th - 16:13pm | Michael Kellett

Hi Reality, Sounds good to me. Best, Michael

Jul 4th - 15:56pm | Reality Experimenter

Mr. Kellett,You see, we're in agreement on several levels:).  Note: My mother (rest her soul) thought Bill Clinton was a nice young man, lol. Catch you later.

Savor The Gifts That Are Grizzly Bear 399 & Clan in Grand Teton National Park

Jul 5th - 12:21pm | Charlie Craighead

The paragraph inserted into Dad's obituary (above) stating that he and his brother John wanted to reopen the garbage dumps was obviously written by someone unfamiliar with details of the history of grizzly bear management in Yellowstone.

Groups Urge National Park Service To Block Transmission Lines Along Everglades National Park

Jul 5th - 01:08am | Anonymous

If the power does not get exported, will a line be needed to meet needs of the rest of state to import? I find a nuclear power plant in a state that could be underwater in a couple hundred years to be the height of idiocy following Fukashima

The Impact of Olaus, Mardy and Adolph Murie Can Still Be Felt Today in Our National Parks

Jul 4th - 22:11pm | m13cli

The Essential RVing Guide

The Essential RVing Guide to the National Parks

The National Parks RVing Guide, aka the Essential RVing Guide To The National Parks, is the definitive guide for RVers seeking information on campgrounds in the National Park System where they can park their rigs. It's available for free for both iPhones and Android models.

This app is packed with RVing specific details on more than 250 campgrounds in more than 70 parks.

You'll also find stories about RVing in the parks, some tips if you've just recently turned into an RVer, and some planning suggestions. A bonus that wasn't in the previous eBook or PDF versions of this guide are feeds of Traveler content: you'll find our latest stories as well as our most recent podcasts just a click away.

So whether you have an iPhone or an Android, download this app and start exploring the campgrounds in the National Park System where you can park your rig.